“Black Holes and Women in Science” University of Maryland, Baltimore County ADVANCE Distinguished Speaker Lecture (November 2017)
“Galaxy Evolution: Do Active Galactic Nuclei Quench Star Formation?” Physics Colloquium, University of Western Ontario (November 2017)
“Black Holes, Galaxies, and the Evolution of the Universe - An Observer’s View” Elizabeth Laird Lecture, University of Western Ontario (November 2017)
“The Challenges of Covering Sexual Harassment in Science” World Conference of Science Journalists meeting (October 2017)
“Women in Science: Why So Few, and What Can We Do About It?” Brooke Army Medical Center & San Antonio Area Foundation (October 2017)
“Multiwavelength Surveys of Supermassive Black Hole Growth” The City College of New York (September 2017)
“Equity and Inclusion in STEM: What¹s Stopping Us?” Astronomy Colloquium, Boston University (September 2017)
“Black Holes and Women in Science” talk to Girls Who Code, New York (July 2017)
“Being ‘The Only Woman in the Room’ 40 Years Ago – and What’s Changed” Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (May 2017)
“What Can Be (and Is Being) Done to Increase Diversity?” Panel discussion, Equity in the Job Search: Tools for Navigating the (Hidden) Barriers Facing Women in STEM, Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (May 2017)
“Truth in the Internet Age: Science Under Siege” Panel discussion, Poynter Symposium, Yale University (April 2017)
“The Growth of Supermassive Black Holes Over Cosmic Time” Washington University in St. Louis (March 2017)
“Equity and Inclusion in STEM: What’s Stopping Us?” Washington University in St. Louis (March 2017)
“Black Holes and Physics” Women of Earth Science Symposium, Yale University (February 2017)
“Introduction to the Universe,” “Black Holes, Galaxies & the Evolution of the Universe,” “Viewing the Universe with Telescopes,” “Dark Energy and the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe,” Lectures for Yale Educational Travel Arctic Exploration and the Northern Lights trip to Russia (February 2017)
“Equity and Inclusion in STEM: What’s Wrong and How Do We Change?” Understanding and Addressing STEM Inequalities Speaker Series, University of California, Merced (January 2017)
“Why Physics Is Still a Boy’s Club and How to Change It” Invited Talk, Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, Princeton University (January 2017)
“Strategies for Reducing Unconscious Bias and Sexual Harassment” Invited Talk, Annual Conference on Gender/Equal Opportunities in Science, University of Copenhagen (December 2016)
“Equity and Inclusion in STEM: How Do We Get There?” Annual Lecture, WISE Inspirations Network at Stanford (November 2016)
“How to Build a More Excellent Department by Recruiting and Retaining Underrepresented Physicists” Physics Department, Stanford University (November 2016)
“Breaking the Silence: A discussion on sexual harassment in science and how institutions can move forward” Panel Discussion, Learn Serve Lead 2016, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Medical Colleges, Seattle (November 2016)
“Multiwavelength Surveys of Black Hole Growth” University of Cincinnati (October 2016)
“How to Succeed as a Woman in Science” University of Cincinnati (October 2016)
“STEM, Yale and Life” Keynote talk, Association of Yale Alumni Workshop on STEM CAREERS: Formulae and Solutions for Success (October 2016)
“The Role of Scientific Societies in Establishing the Desired Climate and Culture in Science—Lessons from the front lines of change: the AAS experience” American Geophysical Union Workshop on Sexual Harassment in the Sciences: A Call to Respond, Washington DC (September 2016)
“Making STEM Environments More Inclusive” Panel Discussion, NASA MissionSTEM Summit (August 2016)
“Why So Few Women in Science? Yale-National University of Singapore (August 2016)
“Black Holes and the Evolving Universe” Yunker Lecture, Oregon State University (May 2016)
“Why We Must Worry About Harassment” Interactive Lecture, Annual Empowering Women in Science and Engineering Symposium, Cornell University (May 2016)
“Multiwavelength Surveys of Supermassive Black Hole Growth” Physics Colloquium, Tufts University (April 2016)
“A Census of Supermassive Black Hole Growth Over the Past 12 Billion Years” McCarthy Lecture, Tufts University (April 2016)
“Supermassive Black Hole Growth and Galaxy Evolution” Cambridge University (March 2016)
“Black Holes and the Evolving Universe” Public Lecture, Institute for Astronomy, Cambridge University (March 2016)
“Do You Have to be a Genius to be an Astrophysicist?” Annual WiSETI/Schlumberger Lecture, Women in Science, Engineering and Technology Initiative, Cambridge University (March 2016)
“What’s Out There?” Joint Discourse (with Claudia Dreifus and Avi Loeb), for Seven Days of Genius Festival, 92nd Street YMCA (March 2016)
“Black Holes, Galaxies and the Evolution of the Universe” Yale Engineering and Science Weekend (February 2016)
“Vera Rubin, Bringing the Dark to Light” Remarks at the premiere, Fiske Planetarium, University of Colorado at Boulder (January 2016)
“Challenges and Benefits of Equity and Inclusion for Academic Success” University of Colorado at Boulder (January 2016)
“Why Physics Is Still a Boys’ Club—And how to change it” Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, Georgia Tech (January 2016)