
Colloquia, Invited Review Talks, and Panels

  1. “Highlights from the Hubble Space Telescope”Air and Space Museum, Washington (August 1996)
  2. “Multiwavelength Properties of Blazars”COSPAR Meeting, Birmingham, England (July 1996)
  3. “Blazars, the Most Violent Active Galaxies”American Association for the Advancement of Science, Baltimore MD (February 1996)
  4. “An Overview of Blazar Variability”Conference on Blazar Variability, Miami (February 1996)
  5. “Recent Results from Multifrequency Observations of the BL Lac Object PKS 2155–304” Seminar University of Milan (October 1995)
  6. “The Nature of Active Galactic Nuclei” Physics Colloquium Dartmouth University (April 1995)
  7. “Quasars and AGN: High Resolution Radio Imaging” Closing Panel Member, National Academy of Science Colloquium (March 1995)
  8. “A Multiwavelength View of Blazars” Astronomy Coloquium University of Michigan (December 1994)
  9. “Multiwavelength Observations of AGN”High Energy Astrophysics Division Meeting of the AAS, Napa Valley (November 1994)
  10. “Multiwavelength Monitoring of Blazars”Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (September 1994)
  11. “Correlated Multiwavelength Variability in Blazars” Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (April 1994)
  12. “Results from the Newly Refurbished Hubble Space Telescope”Area Astronomers Meeting, Gettysburg College (April 1994)
  13. “The Unification of Radio Galaxies and Blazars” Astronomy Colloquium University of Maryland (October 1993)
  14. “Unification of FRI Radio Galaxies and BL Lac Objects”Conference on Physics of AGN, Mount Stromlo (June 1993)
  15. “Jets in AGN”27th ESLAB Symposium, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (May 1993)
  16. “A Unified View of Active Galaxies” Physics Colloquium William and Mary (April 1993)
  17. “Unified Theories of AGN”16th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics PASCOS Meeting, Berkeley (December 1992)
  18. “Multiwavelength Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei”COSPAR Symposium (September 1992)
  19. “Unified Schemes for AGN”Conference on Sub-Arcsecond Radio Astronomy, Manchester, England (July 1992)
  20. “Unification of Radio-Loud Active Galaxies” Colloquium Cornell University (February 1992)
  21. “Unification of Radio-Loud AGN” Colloquium VLA AOC (Socorro) (January 1992)
  22. “Unified Pictures of AGN” Colloquium STScI (October 1990)
  23. “Unified Theories of Active Galactic Nuclei” Astronomy Seminar University of Maryland (November 1990)
  24. “A Unified View of BL Lac Objects” Colloquium University of California at San Diego (November 1990)
  25. “Radio Galaxies as the Parent Population of BL Lac Objects”University of Virginia Astronomy Colloquium (October 1990)
  26. “Unified Theories of AGN” National Astronomical Observatory Seminar, Tokyo, Japan (August 1990)
  27. “Relativistic Beaming and the Parent Population of BL Lacertae Objects” Space Sciences Laboratory Seminar Berkeley (March 1990)
  28. “Relativistic Beaming and the Parent Population of BL Lacertae Objects” Astronomy Colloquium Boston University (February 1990)
  29. “Toward Grand Unified Theories of Active Galaxies”Astronomy Colloquium Pennsylvania State University (February 1990)
  30. “Multiwavelength Observations of AGN,”Space Telescope Science Institute Seminar (January 1990)
  31. “Active Galactic Nuclei: A Multiwavelength View” American Astronomical Society, High Energy Astrophysics Division session (January 1990)
  32. “Toward a Grand Unified Theory of AGN” Physics Colloquium Carnegie Mellon University (January 1990)