Colloquia, Invited Review Talks, and Panels
- “Highlights from the Hubble Space Telescope”Air and Space Museum, Washington (August 1996)
- “Multiwavelength Properties of Blazars”COSPAR Meeting, Birmingham, England (July 1996)
- “Blazars, the Most Violent Active Galaxies”American Association for the Advancement of Science, Baltimore MD (February 1996)
- “An Overview of Blazar Variability”Conference on Blazar Variability, Miami (February 1996)
- “Recent Results from Multifrequency Observations of the BL Lac Object PKS 2155–304” Seminar University of Milan (October 1995)
- “The Nature of Active Galactic Nuclei” Physics Colloquium Dartmouth University (April 1995)
- “Quasars and AGN: High Resolution Radio Imaging” Closing Panel Member, National Academy of Science Colloquium (March 1995)
- “A Multiwavelength View of Blazars” Astronomy Coloquium University of Michigan (December 1994)
- “Multiwavelength Observations of AGN”High Energy Astrophysics Division Meeting of the AAS, Napa Valley (November 1994)
- “Multiwavelength Monitoring of Blazars”Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (September 1994)
- “Correlated Multiwavelength Variability in Blazars” Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (April 1994)
- “Results from the Newly Refurbished Hubble Space Telescope”Area Astronomers Meeting, Gettysburg College (April 1994)
- “The Unification of Radio Galaxies and Blazars” Astronomy Colloquium University of Maryland (October 1993)
- “Unification of FRI Radio Galaxies and BL Lac Objects”Conference on Physics of AGN, Mount Stromlo (June 1993)
- “Jets in AGN”27th ESLAB Symposium, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (May 1993)
- “A Unified View of Active Galaxies” Physics Colloquium William and Mary (April 1993)
- “Unified Theories of AGN”16th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics PASCOS Meeting, Berkeley (December 1992)
- “Multiwavelength Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei”COSPAR Symposium (September 1992)
- “Unified Schemes for AGN”Conference on Sub-Arcsecond Radio Astronomy, Manchester, England (July 1992)
- “Unification of Radio-Loud Active Galaxies” Colloquium Cornell University (February 1992)
- “Unification of Radio-Loud AGN” Colloquium VLA AOC (Socorro) (January 1992)
- “Unified Pictures of AGN” Colloquium STScI (October 1990)
- “Unified Theories of Active Galactic Nuclei” Astronomy Seminar University of Maryland (November 1990)
- “A Unified View of BL Lac Objects” Colloquium University of California at San Diego (November 1990)
- “Radio Galaxies as the Parent Population of BL Lac Objects”University of Virginia Astronomy Colloquium (October 1990)
- “Unified Theories of AGN” National Astronomical Observatory Seminar, Tokyo, Japan (August 1990)
- “Relativistic Beaming and the Parent Population of BL Lacertae Objects” Space Sciences Laboratory Seminar Berkeley (March 1990)
- “Relativistic Beaming and the Parent Population of BL Lacertae Objects” Astronomy Colloquium Boston University (February 1990)
- “Toward Grand Unified Theories of Active Galaxies”Astronomy Colloquium Pennsylvania State University (February 1990)
- “Multiwavelength Observations of AGN,”Space Telescope Science Institute Seminar (January 1990)
- “Active Galactic Nuclei: A Multiwavelength View” American Astronomical Society, High Energy Astrophysics Division session (January 1990)
- “Toward a Grand Unified Theory of AGN” Physics Colloquium Carnegie Mellon University (January 1990)