Colloquia, Invited Review Talks, and Panels
- “New Views of the Universe” Association of Yale Alumni of Salt Lake City (November 2002)
- “Radio-Loud AGN” Paris Conference on Active Galactic Nuclei (July 2002)
- “Blazars, Jets, and Einstein’s Dream: A Hot Topic in Modern Astronomy for the Non-Technical” Yale University (May 2002)
- “AGN, Host Galaxies, and Black Holes” California Institute of Technology (May 2002)
- “Active Galaxies and the Black Hole -Galaxy Connection” University of Massachusetts (May 2002)
- “The IUPAP Conference on Women in Physics,” American Physical Society (April 2002)
- “The Persistent Dearth of Women in the Physical Sciences” American Physical Society (April 2002)
- “The Culture of Physics – Can There be Space for Women?” Yale University Women’s Center (April 2002)
- “The Black Hole-Galaxy Connection” Wesleyan University (April 2002)
- “IUPAP Chair’s Report” American Physical Society (March 2002)
- “The Black Hole -Galaxy Connection” University of California at Los Angeles (February 2002)
- “Black Holes and Galaxies,” Yale University, Society of Physics Students (February 2002)
- “Jets, Black Holes, and the AGN-Galaxy Connection”“Galaxies: Mind over Matter” Vera Rubin Symposium (January 2002)
- “Gender and Science” Yale University (December 2001)
- “Black Holes, Jets, and Einstein’s Dream” Yale University (December 2001)
- “Blazar Jets and Special Relativity” Yale University (October 2001)
- “Blazars, Jets, and Einstein’s Dream” University of Connecticut (July 2001)
- “Extragalactic Sources of High Energy Photons” American Physical Society (April 2001)
- “The Physics of X-Ray Jets” Case Western Reserve University (April 2001)
- “Blazars, Jets, and Einstein’s Dream” Public Lecture, Cleveland Museum of Natural History (April 2001)
- “High Energy Radiation from Blazars” Gamma-Ray Astrophysics 2001 meeting (April 2001)
- “The Physics of X-Ray Jets” Rutgers University (February 2001)
- “X-Ray Jets: A New Discovery from Chandra” Yale University (February 2001)
- “The Physics of X-Ray Jets” Columbia University (January 2001)
- “The Physics of X-Ray Jets” Ohio State University (January 2001)
- “The Physics of X-Ray Jets” Center for Astrophysical Sciences Seminar Johns Hopkins University (October 2000)
- “The Physics of X-Ray Jets” University of Maryland (October 2000)
- “Key Observations for the Future in Multiwavelength Astrophysics”Closing Panel member (June 2000)
- “Blazars, Jets, and the Black Hole-Galaxy Connection” Institute for Theoretical Physics Colloquium, University of California Santa Barbara (May 2000)
- “Blazars and the Black Hole-Galaxy Connection” Astronomy Seminar Brera Observatory of Milan, (March 2000)
- “Blazars, Jets and the Black Hole-Galaxy Connection” Physics Colloquium Yale University, (February 2000)
- “Blazars, Jets and Black Holes in AGN” AAAS Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition (February 2000)
- “Blazars, Jets and the Black Hole-Galaxy Connection” AAS Special Session on Blazar Variability, Atlanta (January 2000)