(in reverse chronological order)
I. Refereed Papers
- “Signatures of Feedback in the Spectacular Extended Emission Region of NGC 5972” T. Harvey, W. P. Maksym, W. Keel, M. Koss, V. N. Bennert, S. D. Chojnowski, E. Treister, C. Finlez, C. J. Lintott, A. Moiseev, B. D. Simmons, L. F. Sartori, C. M. Urry, MNRAS, 526, 4174-4191 (2023)
- “BASS-XL: X-ray variability properties of unobscured active galactic nuclei” A. Tortosa, C. Ricci, P. Arevalo, M. J. Koss, F. E. Bauer, B. Trakhtenbrot, R. Mushotzky, M. J. Temple, F. Ricci, A. Rojas Lilayu, T. Kawamuro, T. Caglar, T. Liu, F. Harrison, K. Oh, M. C. Powell, D. Stern, C. M. Urry, MNRAS, 526, 1687-1698 (2023)
- “BASS. XLII. The Relation between the Covering Factor of Dusty Gas and the Eddington Ratio in Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei” C. Ricci et al. (27 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 959, 27 (2023)
- “BASS. XXXIV. A Catalog of the Nuclear Millimeter-wave Continuum Emission Properties of AGNs Constrained on Scales ≤ 100-200 pc” T. Kawamuro et al. (27 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 269, 1 (2023)
- “The Accretion History of AGN: The Spectral Energy Distributions of X-ray Luminous AGN” C. Auge, D. Sanders, E. Treister, C. M. Urry, A. Kirkpatrick, N. Cappelluti, T. T. Ananna, M. Boquien, M. Baloković, F. Civano, B. Coleman, A. Ghosh, J. Kartaltepe, M. Koss, S. LaMassa, S. Marchesi, A. Peca, M. Powell, B. Trakhtenbrot, T. J. Turner, ApJ, 957, 19 (2023)
- “Two Massive, Compact, and Dust-obscured Candidate z∼8 Galaxies Discovered by JWST” H. B. Akins et al. (58 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 956, 61 (2023)
- “BASS XXXV. The MBH-σ⋆ Relation of 105-Month Swift-BAT Type 1 AGNs” T. Caglar et al. (23 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 956, 60 (2023)
- “COSMOS-Web: An Overview of the JWST Cosmic Origins Survey” C. Casey et al. (79 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 954, 31 (2023)
- “Morphological Parameters and Associated Uncertainties for 8 Million Galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide Survey” A. Ghosh, C. M. Urry, A. Mishra, L. Perreault-Levasseur, P. Natarajan, D. B. Sanders, D. Nagai, C. Tian, N. Cappelluti, J. S. Kartaltepe, M. C. Powell, A. Rau, E. Treister, ApJ, 953, 134 (2023)
- “A candidate runaway supermassive black hole identified by shocks and star formation in its wake” P. van Dokkum, I. Pasha, M. L. Buzzo, S. LaMassa, Z. Shen, M. A. Keim, R. Abraham, C. Conroy, S. Danieli, K. Mitra, D. Nagai, P. Natarajan, A. Romanowsky, G. Tremblay, C. M. Urry, F. C. van den Bosch, ApJ Letters, 946, L50 (2023)
- “VizieR Online Data Catalog: 31.3 deg2 Stripe 82X spectral analysis (Peca+,” A. Peca, N. Cappelluti, C. M. Urry, S. LaMassa, S. Marchesi, T. T. Ananna, M. Balokovic, D. B. Sanders, C. Auge, E. Treister, M. C. Powell, T. J. Turner, A. Kirkpatrick, C. Tian, VizieR Online Data Catalog: ApJS, 943, 162 (2023)
- “VizieR Online Data Catalog: SDSS shocked post-starburst gal. with HST obs. (Sazonova+, 2021)” E. Sazonova et al. (14 co-authors including C. M. Urry), VizieR Online Data Catalog: ApJ, 919, 134 (2023)
- “GALFIT-ing AGN Host Galaxies in COSMOS: HST vs. Subaru” C. Dewsnap, P. Barmby, S. C. Gallagher, C. M. Urry, A. Ghosh, M. C. Powell, ApJ, 944, 137 (2023)
- “Using Machine Learning to Determine Morphologies of z<1 AGN Host Galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide Survey” C. Tian, C. M. Urry, A. Ghosh, R. Ofman, T. T. Ananna, C. Auge, N. Cappelluti, M. C. Powell, D. B. Sanders, K. Schawinski, D. Stark, G. R. Tremblay, ApJ, 944, 124 (2023)
- “On the cosmic evolution of AGN obscuration and the X-ray luminosity function: XMM-Newton and Chandra spectral analysis of the 31.3 deg2 Stripe 82X” A. Peca, N. Cappelluti, C. M. Urry, S. LaMassa, S. Marchesi, T. T. Ananna, M. Balokovic, D. B. Sanders, C. Auge, E. Treister, M. C. Powell, T. J. Turner, A. Kirkpatrick, C. Tian, ApJS, 943, 162 (2023)
- “VizieR Online Data Catalog: Photometric redshifts for X-ray-selected AGNs (Brescia+, 2019)” M. Brescia, M. Salvato, S. Cavuoti, T. T. Ananna, G. Riccio, S. M. LaMassa, C. M. Urry, G. Longo, VizieR On-line Data Catalog: MNRAS, 489, 663 (2023)
- “UGC 4211: A Confirmed Dual Active Galactic Nucleus in the Local Universe at 230 pc Nuclear Separation” M. J. Koss et al. (25 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ Letters, 942, L24 (2022)
- “The Gentlemen and Me” C. M. Urry, in The Sky is for Everyone, eds. D. Weintraub, V. Trimble (Princeton University Press), pp. 267-278 (2022)
- “BASS XXXIX: Swift-BAT AGN with changing-look optical spectra” M. J. Temple et al. (15 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 518, 2938-2953 (2022)
- “BASS XXXIII: Swift-BAT blazars and their jets through cosmic time” L. Marcotulli, M. Ajello, C. M. Urry, V. S. Paliya, M. Koss, K. Oh, G. Madejski, Y. Ueda, M. Balocović, B. Trakhtenbrot, F. Ricci, C. Ricci, D. Stern, F. Harrison, M. C. Powell, BASS Collaboration, ApJ, 940, 77 (2022)
- “Probing the Structure and Evolution of BASS AGN through Eddington Ratios” T. T. Ananna, C. M. Urry, et al. (25 co-authors), ApJ Letters, 939, L13 (2022)
- “BASS XXXII: Studying the Nuclear Millimeter-wave Continuum Emission of AGNs with ALMA at Scales” T. Kawamuro et al. (27 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 938, 87 (2022)
- “BASS XXXVI: Constraining the Local Supermassive Black Hole - Halo Connection with BASS DR2 AGN” M. C. Powell, S. W. Allen, T. Caglar, N. Cappelluti, F. Harrison, B. E. Irving, M. J. Koss, A. B. Mantz, K. Oh, C. Ricci, R. J. Shaper, D. Stern, B. Trakhtenbrot, C. M. Urry, J. Wong, ApJ, 938, 77 (2022)
- “BASS XXXVII: The role of radiative feedback in the growth and obscuration properties of nearby supermassive black holes” C. Ricci et al. (24 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 938, 67 (2022)
- “GaMPEN: A Machine Learning Framework for Estimating Bayesian Posteriors of Galaxy Morphological Parameters” A. Ghosh, C. M. Urry, A. Rau, L. Perreault-Levasseur, M. Cranmer, K. Schawinski, D. Stark, C. Tian, R. Ofman, T. T. Ananna, C. Auge, N. Cappelluti, D. B. Sanders, E. Treister, ApJ, 935, 138 (2022)
- “Are Active Galactic Nuclei in Post-Starburst Galaxies Driving the Change or Along for the Ride?” L. Lanz, S. Stepanoff, R. Hickox, K. Alatalo, K. D. French, K. Rowlands, K. Nyland, P. Appleton, M. Lacy, A. Medling, J. S. Mulchaey, E. Sazonova, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 935, 29 (2022)
- “The WISE-2MASS Survey: Red Quasars Into the Radio Quiet Regime” E. Glikman, M. Lacy, S. LaMassa, C. Bradley, S. G. Djorgovski, T. Urrutia, E. L. Gates, M. J. Graham, C. M. Urry, I. Yoon, ApJ, 934, 119 (2022)
- “Accretion history of AGN: Estimating the host galaxy properties in X-ray luminous AGN from z = 0-3” B. Coleman, A. Kirkpatrick, K. C. Cooke, E. Glikman, S. La Massa, S. Marchesi, A. Peca, E. Treister, C. Auge, C. M. Urry, D. Sanders, T. J. Turner, T. T. Ananna, MNRAS, 515, 82 (2022)
- “BASS XXX: Distribution Functions of DR2 Eddington-ratios, Black Hole Masses, and X-ray Luminosities” T. Ananna et al. (21 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 261, 9 (2022)
- “BASS XXIX: The near-infrared view of the BLR: the effects of obscuration in BLR characterization” F. Ricci et al. (26 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 261, 8 (2022)
- “BASS XXVIII: Near-IR Data Release 2: High-Ionization and Broad Lines in Active Galactic Nuclei” J. S. den Brok et al. (22 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 261, 7 (2022)
- “BASS XXVI: DR2 Host Galaxy Stellar Velocity Dispersions” M. Koss et al. (20 co-authors including C. M Urry), ApJS, 261, 6 (2022)
- “BASS XXV: DR2 Broad-line Based Black Hole Mass Estimates and Biases from Obscuration” J. E. Mejıa-Restrepo, et al. (28 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 261, 5 (2022)
- “BASS XXIV: The BASS DR2 Spectroscopic Line Measurements and AGN Demographics” K. Oh et al. (19 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 261, 4 (2022)
- “BASS XXIII. A New Mid-Infrared Diagnostic for Absorption in Active Galactic Nuclei” R. W. Pfeifle et al. (17 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 261, 3 (2022)
- “BASS XXII: The BASS DR2 AGN Catalog and Data” M. Koss et al. (34 co-authors including C. M Urry), ApJS, 261, 2 (2022)
- “BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey XXI: The Data Release 2 Overview” M. Koss et al. (26 co-authors including C. M Urry), ApJS, 261, 1 (2022)
- “The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): Identification and characterization of the counterparts to the point-like sources” M. Salvato et al. (42 co-authors including C. M. Urry), A&A, 661, 3 (2022)
- “VizieR Online Data Catalog: eFEDS counterparts to point-like sources (Salvato+, 2022)” Salvato et al. (42 co-authors including C. M. Urry), VizieR On-line Data Catalog: A&A, 661, 3 (2022)
- “X-Ray Coronal Properties of Swift/BAT-selected Seyfert 1 Active Galactic Nuclei” N. Kamraj et al. (11 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 927, 42 (2022)
- “BASS XXXI: Outflow scaling relations in low redshift X-ray AGN host galaxies with MUSE” D. Kakkad et al. (20 co-authors including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 511, 2105-2124 (2022)
- “Compton-Thick AGN in the NuSTAR era VI: The observed Compton-thick fraction in the Local Universe” N. Torres-Alba et al. (13 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 922, 252 (2021)
- “Are all post-starbursts mergers? HST reveals hidden disturbances in the majority of PSBs” E. Sazonova et al. (14 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 919, 134 (2021)
- “Properties of the Obscuring Torus in NGC 1052 from Multiepoch Broadband X-Ray Spectroscopy” M. Balokovic, S. E. Cabral, L. Brenneman, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 916, 90 (2021)
- “Erratum: Secularly powered outflows from AGNs: the dominance of non-merger driven supermassive black hole growth” R. J. Smethurst et al. (10 co-authors including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 506, 3419-3420 (2021)
- “A numerical study of long-term multiwavelength blazar variability” M. Polkas, M. Petropoulou, G. Vasilopoulos, A. Masitchiadis, C. M. Urry, P. Coppi, C. Bailyn, MNRAS, 505, 6103-6120 (2021)
- “BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey XXVII: Scattered X-Ray Radiation in Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei” K. K. Gupta et al. (22 co-authors including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 504, 428-223 (2021)
- “BASS XX: Molecular Gas in Nearby Hard X-ray Selected AGN Galaxies” M. Koss et al. (25 co-authors including C. M Urry), ApJS, 252, 29 (2022)
- “NuSTAR Survey of Obscured Swift/BAT-selected Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Median High-energy Cutoff in Seyfert II Hard X-Ray Spectra” M. Balokovic et al. (18 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 905, 41 (2020)
- “Dying of the Light: An X-Ray Fading Cold Quasar at z ∼ 0.405” K. Cooke et al. (13 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 903, 106 (2020)
- “Accretion History of AGNs. III. Radiative Efficiency and AGN Contribution to Reionization” T. Ananna, C. M. Urry, et al. (9 co-authors), ApJ, 903, 85 (2020)
- “Exploring AGN and star formation activity of massive galaxies at cosmic noon” J. Florez et al. (13 co-authors including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 497, 3 (2020)
- “The Accretion History of AGN: A Newly Defined Population of Cold Quasars” A. Kirkpatrick, C. M. Urry, and 16 co-authors, ApJ, 900, 1 (2020)
- “Simultaneous Observations of the Blazar PKS 2155-304 from Ultra-violet to TeV Energies” H. Abdalla et al. (240 co-authors including C. M. Urry), A&A, 639, A42 (2020)
- “The BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. XVIII. Searching for Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in X-Rays” T. Liu et al. (18 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 896, 122 (2020)
- “Galaxy Morphology Network: A Convolutional Neural Network Used to Study Morphology and Quenching in ∼100,000 SDSS and ∼20,000 CANDELS Galaxies” A. Ghosh, C. M. Urry, Z. Wang. K. Schawinski, D. Turp, M. C. Powell, ApJ, 895, 112 (2020)
- “BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey - XV: The High Frequency Radio Cores of Ultra-hard X-ray Selected AGN” K. L. Smith et al. (16 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 492, 4216S (2020)
- “The Clustering of X-Ray Luminous Quasars” M. C. Powell, C. M. Urry, N. Cappelluti, J. T. Johnson, S. M. LaMassa, T. T Ananna, K. E. Kollman, ApJ, 891, 41 (2020)
- “The Molecular Gas in the NGC 6240 Merging Galaxy System at the Highest Spatial Resolution” E. Treister et al. (21 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 890, 149 (2020)
- “Accretion History of AGNs. II. Constraints on AGN Spectral Parameters Using the Cosmic X-Ray Background” T. T. Ananna, E. Treister, C. M. Urry, C. Ricci, R. Hickox, N. Padmanabhan, S. Marchesi, A. Kirkpatrick, ApJ, 889, 17 (2020)
- “Physical inference from the γ-ray, X-ray, and optical time variability of a large sample of Fermi blazars” A. Majumder, K. Mitra, R. Chatterjee, C. M. Urry, C. Bailyn, P. Nandi, MNRAS, 490, 124 (2019)
- “BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey - XIII. The nature of the most luminous obscured AGN in the low-redshift universe” R. Bär et al. (20 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 489, 3073 (2019)
- “Photometric Redshifts for X-Ray-selected Active Galactic Nuclei in the eROSITA Era” M. Brescia, M. Salvato, S. Cavuoti, T. T. Ananna, G. Riccio, S. M. LaMassa, C. M. Urry, G. Longo, MNRAS, 489, 663 (2019)
- “How We Probe and Pollute the Cosmos” C. M. Urry, Nature, 575, 436 (2019)
- “BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. XVI. General Physical Characteristics of BAT Blazars” V. S. Paliya et al. (14 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 881, 154 (2019)
- “VizieR Online Data Catalog: Luminous WISE-selected quasars in SDSS Stripe 82” E. Glikman et al. (13 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), Vizier On-line Data Catalog, ApJ, 861, 37 (2019)
- “SDSS-IV eBOSS Spectroscopy of X-Ray and WISE AGNs in Stripe 82X: Overview of the Demographics of X-Ray- and Mid-infrared-selected Active Galactic Nuclei” S. LaMassa et al. (7 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 876, 50 (2019)
- “VizieR Online Data Catalog: X-ray & MIR AGNs in Stripe 82 with eBOSS spectra (LaMassa+, 2019)”, S. LaMassa, A. Georgakakis, M. Vivek, M. Salvato, T. Ananna, C. M. Urry, C. MacLeod, N. Ross, VizieR On-line Data Catalog: ApJ, 876, 50 (2020)
- “The Accretion History of AGN I: Supermassive Black Hole Population Synthesis Model” T. T. Ananna, E. Treister, C. M. Urry, and 7 co-authors, ApJ, 871, 240 (2019)
- “Detection of polarized gamma-ray emission from the Crab nebula with the Hitomi Soft Gamma-ray Detector†” Hitomi Collaboration (193 co-aauthors including C. M. Urry), PASJ, 70, 113 (2018)
- “The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): No evidence of galaxy-scale hot outflows in two nearby AGN” M. Powell et al. (15 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), A&A, 618A, 27P (2018)
- “A Galaxy-Scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole” G. R. Tremblay et al. (38 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 865, 13 (2018)
- “Shocked POststarburst Galaxy Survey. III. The Ultraviolet Properties of SPOGs” F. Ardila et al. (13 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 863, 28 (2018)
- “Luminous WISE-selected Obscured, Unobscured, and Red Quasars in Stripe 82” E. Glikman et al. (13 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 861, 37 (2018)
- “Hitomi X-ray observation of the pulsar wind nebula G21.5-0.9” Hitomi Collaboration (196 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), PASJ, 70, 38 (2018)
- “Glimpse of the highly obscured HMXB IGR J16318-4848 with Hitomi” Hitomi Collaboration (193 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), PASJ, 70, 17 (2018)
- “Hitomi Observations of the LMC SNR N132D: Highly Redshifted X-ray Emission from Iron Ejecta” Hitomi Collaboration (193 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), PASJ, 70, 16 (2018)
- “Hitomi X-ray Studies of Giant Radio Pulses from the Crab Pulsar” Hitomi Collaboration (203 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), PASJ, 70, 15 (2018)
- “Search for Thermal X-ray Features from the Crab Nebula with Hitomi Soft X-ray Spectrometer” Hitomi Collaboration (194 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), PASJ, 70, 14 (2018)
- “Hitomi Observation of Radio Galaxy NGC 1275: The First X-ray Microcalorimeter Spectroscopy of Fe-K{alpha} Line Emission from an Active Galactic Nucleus” Hitmo Collaboration (193 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), PASJ, 70, 13 (2018)
- “Atomic data and spectral modeling constraints from high-resolution X-ray observations of the Perseus cluster with Hitomi” Hitomi Collaboration (193 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), PASJ, 70, 12 (2018)
- “Temperature Structure in the Perseus Cluster Core Observed with Hitomi” Hitomi Collaboration (194 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), PASJ, 70, 11 (2018)
- “Measurements of Resonant Scattering in the Perseus Cluster Core with Hitomi SXS” Hitomi Collaboration (194 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), PASJ, 70, 10 (2018)
- “Atmospheric gas dynamics in the Perseus cluster observed with Hitomi” Hitomi Collaboration (197 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), PASJ, 70, 9 (2018)
- “Hitomi (ASTRO-H) X-ray Astronomy Satellite” Hitomi Collaboration (270 co-authors, including C. M Urry), JATIS, 4, 021402 (2018)
- “A model for AGN variability on multiple time-scales” L. F. Sartori, K. Schawinski, B. Trakhtenbrot, N. Caplar, E. Treister, M. Koss, C. M. Urry, C. E. Zhang, MNRAS, 476, L34-L38 (2018)
- “Science Impacts of the SPHEREx All-Sky Optical to Near-Infrared Spectral Survey II: Report of a Community Workshop on the Scientific Synergies Between the SPHEREx Survey and Other Astronomy Observatories” O. Doré et al. (62 co-authors, including C. M. Urry) (arXiv:1805.05489, 2018)
- “The Swift/BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. IX. The Clustering Environments of an Unbiased Sample of Local AGN” M. C. Powell, N. Cappelluti, C. M. Urry, and 9 other co-authors, ApJ, 858, 110 (2018)
- “The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the Second Phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment” B. Abolfathi et al. (348 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 235, 42 (2018)
- “Searching for the 3.5 keV Line in the Deep Fields with Chandra: the 10 Ms observations” N. Cappelluti, C. M. Urry, and 7 co-authors, ApJ, 854, 179 (2018)
- “Optical, Near-IR, and Sub-mm IFU Observations of the Nearby Dual Active Galactic Nuclei MRK 463” E. Treister et al. (16 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 854, 83 (2018)
- “Infrared Selection of Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei in the COSMOS Field” Y. Chang et al. (15 co-authors, including C. M. Urry) ApJ Supplement Series, 233, 19 (2017)
- “Conditions for Optimal Growth of Black Hole Seeds” F. Pacucci, P. Natarajan, M. Volonteri, N. Cappelluti, C. M. Urry, ApJ Letters, 850, L42 (2017)
- “Solar abundance ratios of the iron-peak elements in the Perseus cluster” Hitomi Collaboration (193 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), Nature, 551, 478-480 (2017)
- “AGN Populations in Large-volume X-Ray Surveys: Photometric Redshifts and Population Types Found in the Stripe 82X Survey” T. Ananna, M. Salvato, S. Lamassa, C. M. Urry, N. Cappelluti, C. Cardamone, F. Civano, D. Farrah, M. Gilfanov, E. Glikman, M. Hamilton, A. Kirkpatrick, G. Lanzuisi, S. Marchesi, A. Merloni, K. Nandra, P. Natarajan, G. T. Richards, J. Timlin, ApJ, 850, 66 (2017)
- “Probing Large-scale Coherence between Spitzer IR and Chandra X-Ray Source-subtracted Cosmic Backgrounds” N. Cappelluti, R. Arendt, A. Kashlinsky, Y. Li, G. Hasinger, K. Helgason, C. M. Urry, P. Natarajan, A. Finoguenov, ApJ Letters, 847, L11 (2017)
- “Peering Through the Dust. II. XMM-Newton Observations of Two Additional FIRST-2MASS Red Quasars” E. Glikman, S. LaMassa, E. Piconcelli, C. M. Urry, M. Lacy, ApJ, 847, 116 (2017)
- “The Hunt for Red Quasars: Luminous Obscured Black Hole Growth Unveiled in the Stripe 82 X-Ray Survey” S. LaMassa et al. (20 co-authors, including C. M Urry), ApJ, 847, 100 (2017)
- “A Multi-band Study of the Remarkable Jet in Quasar 4C+19.44” D. E. Harris et al. (16 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 846, 119 (2017)
- “A Consolidated Framework of the Color Variability in Blazars: Long-term Optical/Near-infrared Observations of 3C 279” J. Isler, C. M. Urry, and 6 co-authors, ApJ, 844, 107 (2017)
- “Welcome to the Twilight Zone: The Mid-Infrared Properties of Poststarburst Galaxies” K. Alatalo et al. (19 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 843, 9 (2017)
- “Radio Luminosity Function of Flat-spectrum Radio Quasars” P. Mao, C. M. Urry, E. Marchesini, M. Landoni, F. Massaro, M. Ajello, ApJ, 842, 87 (2017)
- “An Investigation of Blazars without Redshifts: Not a Missing Population at High Redshift” P. Mao, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 841, 113 (2017)
- “The Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey: Energy Spectrum of the Cosmic X-Ray Background and Constraints on Undetected Populations” N. Cappelluti et al. (17 co-authors including C. M. Urry) ApJ, 837, 19 (2017)
- “Hitomi Constraints on the 3.5 keV line in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster” Hitomi Collaboration (216 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ Letters, 837, L15 (2017)
- “Vera Cooper Rubin” C. M. Urry, Science, 355, 462 (2017
- “Fading AGN Candidates: AGN Histories and Outflow Signatures” W. C. Keel et al. (14 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 835, 256 (2017)
- “Chandra Reveals Heavy Obscuration and Circumnuclear Star Formation in Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4968” S. LaMassa et al. (8 co-authors including C. M. Urry) ApJ, 835, 91 (2017)
- “Morphology and the Color-mass Diagram as Clues to Galaxy Evolution at z~1” M. Powell, C. M. Urry, and 5 co-authors, ApJ, 835, 22 (2017)
- “RoboPol: the optical polarization of gamma-ray-loud and gamma-ray-quiet blazars” E. Angelakis et al. (27 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 463, 3365-3380 (2016)
- “Galaxy Zoo: evidence for rapid, recent quenching within a population of AGN host galaxies” R. J. Smethurst et al. (10 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 463, 2986-2996 (2016)
- “First NuSTAR observations of the BL Lac-type blazar PKS 2155-304: constraints on the jet content and distribution of radiating particles” G. M. Madejski et al. (37 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 831, 142 (2016)
- “The Chandra COSMOS-Legacy Survey: Source X-Ray Spectral Properties” S. Marchesi et al. (16 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 830, 100 (2016)
- “The Chandra COSMOS-Legacy Survey: The z>3 Sample” S. Marchesi et al. (19 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 827, 150 (2016)
- “Shocked POststarburst Galaxy Survey. II. The Molecular Gas Content and Properties of a Subset of SPOGs” K. Alatalo et al. (11 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 827, 106 (2016)
- “The quiescent intracluster medium in the core of the Perseus cluster” Hitomi Collaboration (215 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), Nature, 535, 117-121 (2016)
- “SpIES: The Spitzer IRAC Equatorial Survey” J. Timlin et al. (19 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 225, 1 (2016)
- “A New Population of Compton-Thick AGN Identified Using the Spectral Curvature Above 10 keV” M. Koss et al. (22 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 825, 85 (2016)
- “Faint COSMOS AGNs at z~3.3 – I. Black Hole Properties and Constraints on Early Black Hole Growth” B. Trakhtenbrot, C. M. Urry, et al. (12 co-authors), ApJ, 825, 4 (2016)
- “Cold, clumpy accretion onto an active supermassive black hole” G. Tremblay et al. (25 co-authors, including C. M Urry), Nature, 534, 218-221 (2016)
- “A Comprehensive Statistical Description of Radio-through-Gamma-Ray Spectral Energy Distributions of All Known Blazars” P. Mao, C. M. Urry, F. Massaro, A. Paggi, J. Cauteruccio, S. Künzel, ApJ, 224, 26 (2016)
- “Extended X-ray emission in the IC 2497 – Hanny’s Voorwerp system: energy injection in the gas around a fading AGN” L. Sartori et al. (7 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 457, 3629-3636 (2016)
- “Peering through the Dust: NuSTAR Observations of Two FIRST-2MASS Red Quasars” S. LaMassa, C. M. Urry, et al. (20 co-authors), ApJ, 820, 70 (2016)
- “VizieR Online Data Catalog: X-ray Observations of Stripe 82” S. LaMassa, C. M Urry, and 24 other co-authors, ApJ, 817, 172 (2016)
- “Multiwavelength Study of Quiescent States of Mrk 421 with Unprecedented Hard X-Ray Coverage Provided by NuSTAR in 2013” M. Balokovic et al. (102 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 819, 156 (2016)
- “The Chandra Cosmos Legacy Survey: Overview and Point Source Catalog” F. Civano, C. M. Urry, and 40 other co-authors, ApJ, 819, 62 (2016)
- “On R-W1 as A Diagnostic to Discover Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei in Wide-Area X-ray Surveys” S. LaMassa, C. M. Urry, et al. (21 co-authors), ApJ, 818, 88 (2016)
- “The 31 Deg2 Release of the Stripe 82 X-ray Survey: The Point Source Catalog” S. LaMassa, C. M. Urry, and 24 other co-authors, ApJ, 817, 172 (2016)
- “The Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey: Optical/IR Identifications” S. Marchesi et al. (29 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 817, 34 (2016)
- “The hard X-ray emission of the luminous infrared galaxy NGC 6240 as observed by NuSTAR” S. Puccetti, C. M. Urry, and 24 other co-authors. A&A, 585, 14 (2016)
- “Science and gender: Scientists must work harder on equality” C. M. Urry, Nature, 528, 471-473 (2015)
- “The NuSTAR Extragalactic Survey: First Direct Measurements of the ≳10 KeV X-Ray Luminosity Function for Active Galactic Nuclei at z>0.1” J. Aird et al. (36 co-authors, including C. M Urry), ApJ, 815, 66 (2015)
- “How to End Sexual Harassment in Astronomy: The case against Geoff Marcy must be a wake-up call to reform our field” C. M. Urry, Scientific American (October 14, 2015; https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-end-sexual-harassment-…)
- “NuSTAR Spectroscopy of Multi-Component X-ray Reflection from NGC 1068” F. Bauer et al. (28 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 812, 116 (2015)
- “First NuSTAR Observations of Mrk 501 within a Radio to TeV Multi-Instrument Campaign” A. Furniss et al. (275 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 812, 65 (2015)
- “The Nustar Extragalactic Surveys: Overview and Catalog from the COSMOS Field” F. Civano et al. (30 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 808, 185 (2015)
- “The NuSTAR Extragalactic Surveys: Initial Results and Catalog from the Extended Chandra Deep Field South” J. R. Mullaney et al. (35 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 808, 184 (2015)
- “An Over-massive Black Hole in a Typical Star-forming Galaxy, 2 Billion Years After the Big Bang” B. Trakhenbrot, C. M. Urry, et al. (8 co-authors), Science, 349, 168 (2015)
- “Optical Detection of the Pictor A Jet and Tidal Tail: Evidence against an IC/CMB Jet” E. Gentry et al. (8 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 808, 92 (2015)
- “Rapid Variability of Blazar 3C 279 during Flaring States in 2013-2014 with Joint Fermi-LAT, NuSTAR, Swift, and Ground-Based Multi-wavelength Observations” M. Hayashida et al. (51 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 807, 79 (2015)
- “Major Mergers Host the Most Luminous Red Quasars at z ~ 2: A Hubble Space Telescope WFC3/IR Study” E. Glikman, B. Simmons, M. Mailly, K. Schawinski, C. M. Urry, M. Lacy, ApJ, 806, 218 (2015)
- “The SMARTS Multi-Epoch Optical Spectroscopy Atlas (SaMOSA): An Analysis of Emission Line Variability in Southern Hemisphere Fermi Blazars” J. Isler, C. M. Urry, and 7 co-authors, ApJ, 804, 7 (2015)
- “HST Imaging of Fading AGN Candidates. I. Host-galaxy Properties and Origin of the Extended Gas” W. Keel et al. (13 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), AJ, 149, 155 (2015)
- “The systematic search for z ≳ 5 active galactic nuclei in the Chandra Deep Field South” A. Weigel, K. Schawinski, E. Treister, C. M. Urry, M. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot. MNRAS, 448, 3167-3195 (2015)
- “Misalignment between cold gas and stellar components in early-type galaxies” O.I. Wong, K. Schawinski, G. Józsa, C. M. Urry, C. J. Lintott, B. Simmons, S. Kaviraj, K. Masters. MNRAS, 447, 3311-3321 (2015)
[Erratum: MNRAS, 449, 1767-1768 (2015)] - “The Discovery of the First “Changing Look” Quasar: New Insights into the Physics and Phenomenology of Active Galactic Nucleus” S. LaMassa et al. (8 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 800, 144 (2015)
- “NuSTAR and XMM-Newton Observations of Luminous, Heavily Obscured, WISE-selected Quasars at z ~ 2” D. Stern et al. (34 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 794, 102 (2014)
- “NuSTAR Unveils a Compton-thick Type 2 Quasar in Mrk 34” P. Gandhi et al. (29 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 792, 117 (2014) [Erratum: ApJ, 794, 176 (2014)]
- “The 2-79 keV X-Ray Spectrum of the Circinus Galaxy with NuSTAR, XMM-Newton, and Chandra: A Fully Compton-thick Active Galactic Nucleus” P. Arévalo et al. (26 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 791, 81 (2014)
- “Magnetic Field Amplification and Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars” X. Chen et al. (12 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 441, 2188-2199 (2014)
- “The Green Valley is a Red Herring: Galaxy Zoo Reveals Two Evolutionary Pathways towards Quenching of Star Formation in Early- and Late-Type Galaxies” K. Schawinski, C. M. Urry, and 13 co-authors. MNRAS, 440, 889-907 (2014)
- “NuSTAR J033202-2746.8: Direct Constraints on the Compton Reflection in a Heavily Obscured Quasar at z~2” A. Del’Moro et al. (27 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 786, 16 (2014)
- “Delving Into X-Ray Obscuration Of Type 2 Agn, Near And Far” S. M. LaMassa, T. Yaqoob, A. F. Ptak, J. Jia, T. M. Heckman, P. Gandhi, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 787, 61 (2014)
- “NuSTAR Observations of Heavily Obscured Quasars at z ~ 0.5” G. Lansbury et al. (16 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ Letters, 785, 17 (2014)
- “Spectral Energy Distributions of Type 1 AGN in XMM-COSMOS Survey II – Shape Evolution” H. Hao et al. (20 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 438, 1288-1304 (2013)
- “Finding Rare AGN: XMM-Newton and Chandra Observations of SDSS Stripe 82” S. LaMassa, M. Stephanie, C. M. Urry, and 16 other co-authors. MNRAS, 436, 3581 (2013)
- “A Time-Resolved Study of the Broad-Line Region in Blazar 3C 454.3” C. M. Urry et al. (8 co-authors), ApJ, 779, 100 (2013)
- “Dust Reddened Quasars in FIRST and UKIDSS: Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg” E. Glikman, T. Urrutia, M. Lacy, S. Djorgovski, C. M. Urry, and 5 co-authors, ApJ, 778, 127 (2013)
- “NuSTAR Detection of the Blazar B2 1023+25 at Redshift 5.3” T. Sbarrato et al. (21 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 777, 147 (2013)
- “A Quasar-Galaxy Mixing Diagram: Quasar Spectral Energy Distribution Shapes in the Optical to Near-Infrared” H. Heng et al. (21 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 434, 3104-3121 (2013)
- “The Far Emission Region of the γ-ray Blazar PKS B1424-418” F. Tavecchio, L. Pacciani, I. Donnarumma, A. Stamerra, J. Isler, E. MacPherson, C. M. Urry. MNRAS, 435, 24-28 (2013)
- “The NuSTAR Extragalactic Survey: A First Sensitive Look at the High-energy Cosmic X-Ray Background Population” D. Alexander et al. (33 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 773, 125 (2013)
- “Finding Rare AGN: X-ray Number Counts of Chandra Sources in Stripe 82” S. LaMassa, C. M. Urry, and 14 co-authors. MNRAS, 432, 1351-1360 (2013) [Erratum: MNRAS, 458, 3820-3820 (2016)]
- “The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) High Energy X-Ray Mission” Fiona Harrison et al. (71 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 770, 103 (2013)
- “The Firm Redshift Lower Limit of the Most Distant TeV-detected Blazar PKS 1424+240” A. Furniss et al. (9 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 768, L31 (2013)
- “Galaxy Zoo: Bulgeless Galaxies with Growing Black Holes” B. Simmons et al. (10 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 429, 2199-2211 (2013)
- “On the Star Formation-AGN Connection at z < 0.3” S. LaMassa, T. Heckman, A. Ptak, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 765, L33 (2013)
- “An Optical-Near-infrared Outburst with no Accompanying γ-Rays in the Blazar PKS 0208- 512” R. Chatterjee, G. Fossati, C. M. Urry, and 6 co-authors, ApJ Letters, 763, L11 (2013)
- “The Cosmic History of Black Hole Growth from Deep Multiwavelength Surveys” E. Treister, C. M. Urry. Advances in Astronomy, 2012, 516193 (2012)
- “Moderate-luminosity Growing Black Holes from 1.25 < z < 2.7: Varied Accretion in Disk- dominated Hosts” B. D. Simmons, C. M. Urry, K. Schawinski, C. Cardamone, E. Glikman, ApJ, 761, 75 (2012)
- “Spectral Energy Distributions of Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei in the COSMOS Survey. I. The XMM-COSMOS Sample” M. Elvis et al. (41 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 759, 6 (2012)
- “Major Galaxy Mergers Only Trigger the Most Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei” E. Treister, K. Schawinski, C. M. Urry, B. Simmons, ApJ Letters, 758, L39 (2012)
- “VizieR Online Data Catalog: The Chandra COSMOS Survey. III.” Civano et al. (30 co-authors including C. M. Urry), VizieR On-line Data Catalog: ApJ, 201, 30 (2012)
- “Heavily Obscured Quasar Host Galaxies at z ~ 2 are Discs, not Major Mergers” K. Schawinski, B. Simmons, C. M. Urry, E. Treister, E. Glikman. MNRAS, Letters, 425, L61-L65 (2012)
- “SMARTS Optical and Infrared Monitoring of 12 Gamma-Ray Bright Blazars” E. Bonning, C. M. Urry, and 7 co-authors, ApJ, 756, 13 (2012)
- “The Chandra COSMOS Survey. III. Optical and Infrared Identification of X-Ray Point Sources” F. Civano et al. (30 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 201, 30 (2012)
- “Chandra Observations of Galaxy Zoo Mergers: Frequency of Binary Active Nuclei in Massive Mergers” S. Teng, K. Schawinski, C. M. Urry, and 9 co-authors, ApJ, 753, 165 (2012)
- “Multi-wavelength Observations of Blazar AO 0235+164 in the 2008-2009 Flaring State” M. Ackermann et al. (218 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 751, 159 (2012)
- “Panchromatic Estimation of Star Formation Rates in BzK Galaxies at 1<z <3” P. Kurczynski et al. (11 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 750, 117 (2012)
- “The Physics of Blazar Jets” C. M. Urry, Astr. Rev., 7, 4 (2012)
- “Similarity of the Optical-Infrared and γ-Ray Time Variability of Fermi Blazars” R. Chatterjee et al. (8 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 749, 191 (2012)
- “Evidence for Three Accreting Black Holes in a Galaxy at z ~ 1.35: A Snapshot of Recently Formed Black Hole Seeds?” K. Schawinski, C. M. Urry, and 4 co-authors, ApJ, 743, L37 (2011)
- “Multiwavelength Emission from Blazars - Conference Summary” C. M. Urry. ApA, 32, 341-349 (2011)
- “Gamma-Ray and Multiwavelength Emission from Blazars” C. M. Urry. ApA, 32, 139-145 (2011)
- “Obscured GOODS Active Galactic Nuclei and Their Host Galaxies at z < 1.25: The Slow Black Hole Growth Phase” B. Simmons, J. Van Duyne, C. M. Urry, E. Treister, A. Koekemoer, N. Grogin, GOODS Team, ApJ, 734, 121 (2011)
- “The Hubble Space Telescope GOODS NICMOS Survey: overview and the evolution of massive galaxies at 1.5< z < 3” C. Conselice, and 29 co-authors including C. M. Urry. MNRAS, 413, 80-100 (2011)
- “Accretion Rate and the Physical Nature of Unobscured Active Galaxies” J. Trump, C. Impey, B. Kelly, F. Civano, J. Gabor, A. Diamond-Stanic, A. Merloni, C. M Urry, and 10 co-authors, ApJ, 733, 60 (2011)
- “HST WFC3/IR Observations of Active Galactic Nucleus Host Galaxies at z ~ 2: Supermassive Black Holes Grow in Disk Galaxies” K. Schawinski, E. Treister, C. M. Urry, C. Cardamone, B. Simmons, S. K. Yi, ApJ Letters, 727, L31 (2011)
- “The Sudden Death of the Nearest Quasar” K. Schawinski, D. A. Evans, S. Virani, C. M. Urry, and 12 co-authors, ApJ Letters, 724, 30-33 (2010)
- “Heavily Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei in High-redshift Luminous Infrared Galaxies” E. Treister, C. M. Urry, K. Schawinski, C. N. Cardamone, D. B. Sanders, ApJ, 722, 238-243 (2010)
- “Dust-corrected Colors Reveal Bimodality in the Host-galaxy Colors of Active Galactic Nuclei at z ~ 1” C. Cardamone, C. M. Urry, K. Schawinski, E. Treister, G. Brammer, E. Gawiser, ApJ Letters, 721, L38-L42 (2010)
- “The Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC): Deep Medium-band Optical Imaging and High-quality 32-band Photometric Redshifts in the ECDF-S” C. Cardamone, P. van Dokkum, C. M. Urry, and 13 co-authors, ApJ, 189, 270-285 (2010)
- “The Future of X-ray Astronomy: The Past is Prologue” C. M. Urry, AIPC, 1248, 597-609 (2010)
- “The Space Density of Compton-thick AGN” E. Treister, C. M. Urry, C. Cardamone, S. Virani, K. Schawinski, E. Gawiser, AIPC, 1248, 381-384 (2010)
- “A Flare in the Jet of Pictor A” H. L. Marshall et al. (13 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ Letters, 714, 213-216 (2010)
- “The Role of Mergers in Early-type Galaxy Evolution and Black Hole Growth” K. Schawinski, N. Dowlin, T. Daniel, C. M. Urry, E. Edmondson, ApJ Letters, 714, 108-112 (2010)
- “Major Galaxy Mergers and the Growth of Supermassive Black Holes in Quasars” E. Treister, P. Natarajan, D. Sanders, C. M. Urry, K. Schawinski, J. Kartaltepe. Science, 328, 600 (2010)
- “Galaxy Zoo: The Fundamentally Different Co-evolution of Supermassive Black Holes and their Early-and-Late-type Host Galaxies” K. Schawinski, C. M. Urry, S. Virani, and 18 co-authors, ApJ, 711, 284-302 (2010)
- “Multiwavelength Monitoring of the Enigmatic Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022 in 2009 March-July” A. A. Abdo et al. (209 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 707, 727-737 (2009)
- “Galaxy Zoo Green Peas: Discovery of a Class of Compact Extremely Star-Forming Galaxies” C. N. Cardamone, K. Schawinski, M. Sarzi, S. P. Bamford, N. Bennert, C. M. Urry, and 11 co-authors. MNRAS, 399, 1191-1205 (2010)
- “Heavily Obscured AGN in Star-Forming Galaxies at z ~ 2” E. Treister, C. N. Cardamone, K. Schawinski, C. M. Urry, and 9 co-authors, ApJ, 706, 535-552 (2009)
- “The Chandra COSMOS Survey. I. Overview and Point Source Catalog” M. Elvis et al. (22 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 184, 158-171 (2009)
- “A Public, K-Selected, Optical-to-Near-Infrared Catalog of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) from the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC)” E. N. Taylor et al. (21 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 183, 295-319 (2009)
- “Correlated Variability in the Blazar 3C 454.3” E. W Bonning, C. Bailyn, C. M. Urry, and 7 co-authors, ApJ Letters, 697, L81-L85 (2009)
- “The Space Density of Compton-Thick Active Galactic Nuclei and the X-Ray Background” E. Treister, C. M. Urry, S. Virani, ApJ, 696, 110-120 (2009)
- “Mapping the Dark Matter from UV Light at High Redshift: An Empirical Approach to Understanding Galaxy Statistics” K.-S. Lee et al. (7 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 695, 368-390 (2009)
- “The Rise of Massive Red Galaxies: The Color-Magnitude and Color-Stellar Mass Diagrams for z < 2 from the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC)” E. N. Taylor et al. (9 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 694, 1171-1199 (2009)
- “The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the COSMOS Field. The point-like X-ray source catalogue” N. Cappelluti et al. (26 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), A&A, 497, 635-648 (2009)
- “Myth of the Missing Mothers” C. M. Urry, Nature, 458, 150-151 (2009)
- “SPACE: the spectroscopic all-sky cosmic explorer” A. Cimatti et al. (113 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), Experimental Astronomy, 23, 39-66 (2009)
- “Optical Spectroscopy of X-ray Sources in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South” E. Treister, S. Virani, E. Gawiser, C. M. Urry, and 7 co-authors, ApJ, 693, 1713-1727 (2009)
- “Chasing Highly Obscured QSOs in the COSMOS Field” F. Fiore et al. (44 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 693, 447-462 (2009)
- “VizieR Online Data Catalog: The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the COSMOS Field. The point-like X-ray source catalogue” N. Cappelluti et al. (26 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), A&A, 497, 635-648 (2009)
- “Do Moderate-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei Suppress Star Formation?” K. Schawinski, S. Virani, B. Simmons, C. M. Urry, E. Treister, S. Kaviraj, B. Kushkuley, ApJ Letters, 692, L19-L23 (2009)
- “Women in (European) Astronomy” C. M. Urry, Rev. Mod. Astr., 21, 249-261 (2009)
- “Photometric Redshift and Classification for the XMM-COSMOS Sources” M. Salvato et al. (43 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 690, 1250-1263 (2009)
- “Star Formation Rates in Lyman-break Galaxies: Radio Stacking of LBGs in the COSMOS Field and the Sub-µJy Radio Source Population” C. L. Carilli et al. (12 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 689, 883-888 (2008)
- “The Accuracy of Morphological Decomposition of Active Galactic Nucleus Host Galaxies” B. D. Simmons, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 683, 644-658 (2008)
- “The UV Colours of High-Redshift Early-Type Galaxies: Evidence for Recent Star Formation and Stellar Mass Assembly over the Last 8 Billion Years” S. Kaviraj et al. (9 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), MNRAS, 388, 67-79 (2008)
- “Mid-Infrared Properties and Color Selection for X-Ray Detected AGN in the MUSYC ECDF-S Field” C. N. Cardamone, C. M. Urry, and 7 co-authors, ApJ, 680, 130-142 (2008)
- “Clustering of Intermediate-Luminosity X-Ray-Selected Active Galactic Nuclei at z ~ 3” H. Francke, E. Gawiser, P. Lira, E. Treister, S. Virani, C. Cardamone, C. M. Urry, P. van Dokkum, R. Quadri, ApJ Letters, 673, L13-L16 (2008)
- “Lyα-Emitting Galaxies at z = 3.1: L* Progenitors Experiencing Rapid Star Formation” E. Gawiser et al. (21 co-authors, including C. M. Urry and the MUSYC Collaboration), ApJ, 671, 278 (2008)
- “Deep Chandra and Multicolor HST Observations of the Jets of 3C 371 and PKS 2201+044” R. Sambruna, D. Donato, F. Tavecchio, L. Maraschi, C. Cheung, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 670, 74 (2007)
- “The Origin of Line Emission in Massive z ~ 2.3 Galaxies: Evidence for Cosmic Downsizing of AGN Host Galaxies” M. Kriek et al. (13 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 669, 776 (2007)
- “Lyα Emission-Line Galaxies at z = 3.1 in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South” C. Gronwall et. Al. (15 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 667, 79 (2007)
- “The X-Ray Jet and Lobes of PKS 1354+195 (=4C 19.44)” D. Schwartz et al. (14 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), AP. Space Science, 311, 341 (2007)
- “The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the COSMOS Field. III: Optical Identification and Multiwavelength Properties of a Large Sample of X–Ray Selected Sources” M. Brusa et al. (34 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 172, 353 (2007)
- “S-COSMOS: The Spitzer Legacy Survey of the Hubble Space Telescope ACS 2-deg2 COSMOS Field I: Survey Strategy and First Analysis” D. Sanders et al. (42 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 172, 86 (2007)
- “The VLA-COSMOS Survey: II. Source Catalog of the Large Project” E. Schinnerer et al. (13 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 172, 46 (2007)
- “COSMOS: Hubble Space Telescope Observations” N. Scoville et al. (52 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 172, 38 (2007)
- “The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the COSMOS Field. I. Survey Description” G. Hasinger et al. (24 other co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 172, 29 (2007)
- “The Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC): Deep Near-Infrared Imaging and the Selection of Distant Galaxies” R. Quadri et al. (19 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), AJ, 134, 1103 (2007)
- “Chandra and HST Observations of Gamma-Ray Blazars: Comparing Jet Emission at Small and Large Scales” F. Tavecchio, L. Maraschi, A. Wolter, C. Cheung, R. Sambruna, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 662, 900 (2007)
- “An Infrared Study of the Large-scale Jet in Quasar PKS 1136–135” Y. Uchiyama, C. M. Urry, P. Coppi, J. Van Duyne, C. Cheung, R. Sambruna, T. Takahashi, F. Tavecchio, L. Maraschi, ApJ, 661, 719 (2007)
- “Simultaneous X-Ray and Infrared Variability of the Quasar 3C273. II. Confirmation of the Correlation and X-Ray Lag” I. McHardy, A. Lawson, A. Newsam, A. Marscher, A. Sokolov, C. M. Urry, A. Wehrle. MNRAS, 375, 1521 (2007)
- “The Evolution of Obscuration in Active Galactic Nuclei” E. Treister, C. M. Urry, ApJ Letters, 652, 79 (2006)
- “Host galaxy evolution in radio-loud AGN” M. O’Dowd, C. M. Urry, New Astr. Rev., 50, 789-791 (2006)
- “Spectroscopic Identification of Massive Galaxies at z ~ 2.3 with Strongly Suppressed Star Formation” M. Kriek et al. (14 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ Letters, 649, 71 (2006)
- “Shedding New Light on the 3C 273 Jet as Revealed by the Spitzer Space Telescope” Y. Uchiyama, C. M. Urry, and 7 co-authors, ApJ, 648, 910 (2006)
- “The Physical Nature of Lyman Alpha Emitting Galaxies at z = 3.1” E. Gawiser (22 co-authors including C. M. Urry), ApJ Letters, 642, 13 (2006)
- “The Extended Chandra Deep Field South Survey: The X-Ray Point-Source Catalog” S. Virani, E. Treister, C. M. Urry. AJ, 131, 2373 (2006)
- “Deceleration from Entrainment in the Jet of the Quasar 1136–135?” F. Tavecchio, L. Maraschi, R. M. Sambruna, M. Gliozzi, C. Cheung, J. Wardle, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 641, 732 (2006)
- “Deep Chandra and Multicolor HST Follow-up of the Jets in Two Powerful Radio Quasars” R. M. Sambruna, M. Gliozzi, D. Donato, L. Maraschi, F. Tavecchio, C. Cheung, C. M. Urry, J. Wardle, ApJ, 641, 717 (2006)
- “Spitzer Number Counts of Active Galactic Nuclei in the GOODS Fields” E. Treister, C. M. Urry, and 8 co-authors, ApJ, 640, 603 (2006)
- “The Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC): Survey Design and Deep Public UBVRIź Images and Catalogs of the Extended Hubble Deep Field South” E. Gawiser et al. (26 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJS, 162, 1-19 (2006)
- “Spitzer IRAC Imaging of the Relativistic Jet from Superluminal Quasar PKS 0637-752” Y. Uchiyama, C. M. Urry, and 6 co-authors, ApJ Letters, 631, 113 (2005)
- “Black Hole Masses and Host Galaxy Evolution of Radio-Loud Active Galactic Nuclei” J. Woo, C. M. Urry, R. van der Marel, P. Lira, J. Maza, ApJ, 631, 762 (2005)
- “X-Ray and Optical Emission from Radio Hot Spots of Powerful Quasars” F. Tavecchio, R. Cerutti, L. Maraschi, R. Sambruna, J. Gambill, C. Cheung, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 630, 721 (2005)
- “Active Galactic Nuclei Unification and the X-ray Background” E. Treister, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 630, 115 (2005)
- “AGN Host Galaxies at z ~ 0.4−1.3: Bulge-dominated and Lacking Merger-AGN Connection” N. Grogin et al. (14 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ Letters, 627, 97 (2005)
- “H1517+656: The Birth of a BL Lacertae Object?” M. O’Dowd, C. M. Urry, R. Scarpa, R. B. Wayth, R. L. Webster, ApJ, 627, 125 (2005)
- “Host Galaxy Evolution in Radio-Loud AGN” M. O’Dowd, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 627, 97O (2005)
- “The Calan-Yale Deep Extragalactic Research (CYDER) Survey: Optical Properties and Deep Spectroscopy of Serendipitous X-Ray Sources” E. Treister et al. (9 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 621, 104 (2005)
- “The Fundamental Plane Evolution of Active Galactic Nucleus Host Galaxies” J.-H. Woo, C. M. Urry, P. Lira, R. van der Marel, J. Maza, ApJ, 617, 903 (2004)
- “Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei and the X-ray, Optical and Far-Infrared Number Counts of Active Galactic Nuclei in the GOODS Fields” E. Treister, C. M. Urry, and 13 co-authors, ApJ, 616, 123 (2004)
- “Jets from Sub-Parsec to Kiloparsec Scales: A Physical Connection” F. Tavecchio, L. Maraschi, R. M. Sambruna, C. M. Urry, C. Cheung, J. Gambill, R. Scarpa, ApJ Letters, 614, 64 (2004)
- “The Nature of Close Companions of the BL Lac Objects 1ES 0502+675 and 1ES 1440+122” G. Giovannini, R. Falomo, R. Scarpa, A. Treves, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 613, 747 (2004)
- “A Survey of Extended Radio Jets with Chandra and HST” R. M. Sambruna, J. K. Gambill, L. Maraschi, F. Tavecchio, C. Cheung, C. M. Urry, G. Chartas, R. Scarpa, ApJ, 608, 698 (2004)
- “A Possible New Population of Sources with Extreme X-Ray/Optical Ratios” A. M. Koekemoer et al. (14 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ Letters, 600, 123 (2004)
- “The Space Density of High-redshift QSOs in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey” S. Cristiani et al. (16 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ Letters, 600, 119 (2004)
- “The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey: Initial Results from Optical and Near-Infrared Imaging” M. Giavalisco et al. (57 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ Letters, 600, 93 (2004)
- “Near-Infrared Observations of BL Lacertae Host Galaxies” C. Cheung, C. M. Urry, R. Scarpa, M. Giavalisco, ApJ, 599, 155 (2003)
- “BeppoSAX Observations of Centaurus A: The Hard Continuum and the Iron Line Feature” P. Grandi, M. Fiocchi, C. Perola, C. M. Urry, and 6 co-authors, ApJ, 593, 160 (2003)
- “The Speed and Orientation of the Parsec-Scale Jet in 3C 279” B. Piner, S. Unwin, A. Wehrle, A. Zook, C. M. Urry, D. Gilmore, ApJ, 588, 716 (2003)
- “Chandra Observations of Nuclear X-ray Emission from a Sample of Radio Sources” J. Gambill, R. M. Sambruna, G. Chartas, C. Cheung, L. Maraschi, F. Tavecchio, C. M. Urry. A&A, 401, 505 (2003)
- “The Independence of Active Galactic Nucleus Black Hole Mass and Radio Loudness” J. Woo, C. M. Urry, ApJ Letters, 581, 5 (2002) [Erratum: ApJ Letters, 583, 47 (2003)]
- “The Host Galaxies of Radio-Loud AGN: The Black Hole–Galaxy Connection” M. O’Dowd, C. M. Urry, R. Scarpa, ApJ, 580, 96O (2002)
- “Active Galactic Nucleus Black Masses and Bolometric Luminosities” J. Woo, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 579, 530 (2002)
- “Broad-band Continuum and Line Emission of the X-ray Blazar PKS 0537–441” E. Pian, R. Falomo, R. Hartman, L. Maraschi, F. Tavecchio, M. Tornikoski, A. Treves, C. M. Urry, L. Ballo, R. Mukherjee, R. Scarpa, D. Thompson, J. E. Pesce. A&A, 392, 407 (2002)
- “On the Physical Conditions in AGN and Optical Jets” R. Scarpa, C. M. Urry. New Astronomy Reviews, 46, 405 (2002)
- “Host Galaxies and the Unification of Radio-Loud AGN” C. M. Urry, R. Scarpa, M. O’Dowd, M. Giavalisco, R. Falomo, J. Pesce, A. Treves. New Astronomy Reviews, 46, 349 (2002)
- “X-rays from Radio-Galaxies: BeppoSAX Observations” P. Grandi, C. M. Urry, L. Maraschi. New Astronomy Reviews, 46, 221 (2002)
- “Hubble Space Telescope Observations of BL Lacertae Environments” J. Pesce, C. M. Urry, M. O’Dowd, R. Scarpa, R. Falomo, A. Treves. New Astronomy Reviews, 46, 159 (2002)
- “Physics: For Women, the Last Frontier” S. Tobias, C. M. Urry, A. Venkatesan. Science, 296, 1201 (2002)
- “A Survey of Extended Radio Jets in AGN with Chandra and HST: First Results” R. Sambruna, L. Maraschi, F. Tavecchio, C. M. Urry, C. Cheung, G. Chartas, R. Scarpa, J. K. Reitz, ApJ, 571, 206 (2002)
- “Spectral Energy Distributions of 3C 279 Revisited: BeppoSAX Observations and Variability Models” L. Ballo et al. (11 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 567, 50 (2002)
- “BeppoSAX Observations of 1-Jy BL Lacertae Objects. I.” P. Padovani, L. Costamante, P. Giommi, G. Ghisellini, A. Comastri, A. Wolter, L. Maraschi, G. Tagliaferri, C. M. Urry. MNRAS, 328, 931 (2001)
- “Variability Time Scales of TeV Blazars Observed in the ASCA Continuous Long-Look X-ray Monitoring” C. Tanihata, C. M. Urry, and 6 co-authors, ApJ, 563, 569 (2001)
- “BeppoSAX Observations of Markarian 501 in June 1999” E. Pian et al. (21 co-authors. including C. M. Urry), AIPC, 599, 866 (2001)
- “Detection of an X-Ray Jet in 3C 371 with Chandra” J. E. Pesce, R. M. Sambruna, F. Tavecchio, L. Maraschi, C. Cheung, C. M. Urry, R. Scarpa, ApJ Letters, 556, 79 (2001)
- “On the Parent Population of Radio Galaxies and the FR I-FR II Dichotomy” R. Scarpa, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 556, 749 (2001)
- “Weak Reprocessed Features in the Broad Line Radio Galaxy 3C 382” P. Grandi, L. Maraschi, C. M. Urry, G. Matt, ApJ, 556, 35 (2001)
- “Theoretical Implications from the Spectral Evolution of Markarian 501 Observed with BeppoSAX” F. Tavecchio et al. (13 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 554, 725 (2001)
- “Multiepoch Multiwavelength Spectra and Models for Blazar 3C 279” R. C. Hartman et al. (74 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 553, 683 (2001)
- “Chandra Observations of the X-Ray Jet of 3C 273” R. M. Sambruna, C. M. Urry, F. Tavecchio, L. Maraschi, R. Scarpa, G. Chartas, T. Muxlow, ApJ Letters, 549, 161 (2001)
- “EUVE Observations of PKS 2155–304: Variability, Spectra, and a Polarization Measurement Attempt” H. L. Marshall, C. M. Urry, R. M. Sambruna, J. E. Pesce, ApJ, 549, 938 (2001)
- “Blazar Demographics and Physics” C. M. Urry, P. Padovani, PASP, 112, 1516-1518 (2000)
- “The X-Ray Jet of PKS 0637-752: Inverse Compton Radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background?” F. Tavecchio, L. Maraschi, R. Sambruna, C. M. Urry, ApJ Letters, 544, 23 (2000)
- “The Hubble Space Telescope Survey of BL Lacertae Objects. IV. Infrared Imaging of Host Galaxies” R. Scarpa, C. M. Urry, P. Padovani, D. Calzetti, M. O’Dowd, ApJ, 544, 258 (2000)
- “Complex Spectral Variability of Mrk 421” T. Takahashi, J. Kataoka, G. Madewjski, J. Mattox, C. M. Urry, and 24 other co-authors, ApJ Letters, 542, 105 (2000)
- “The Hubble Space Telescope Survey of BL Lacertae Objects. III. Morphological Properties of Low-Redshift Host Galaxies” R. Falomo, R. Scarpa, A. Treves, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 542, 731 (2000)
- “The Soft X-Ray Variability of PKS 2155–304” W. Brinkmann, M. Gliozzi, C. M. Urry, L. Maraschi, R. Sambruna. A&A, 362, 105 (2000)
- “Correlated Intense X-Ray and TeV Activity of Mkn 501 in June 1998” R. Sambruna, [56 co-authors of the HEGRA collaboration], L. Chou, P. S. Coppi, R. Rothschild, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 538, 127 (2000)
- “Testing the Blazar Paradigm: ASCA Observations of Flat-Spectrum Radio Quasars with Steep Soft X-Ray Spectra” R. M. Sambruna, L. L. Chou, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 533, 650 (2000)
- “The Hubble Space Telescope Survey of BL Lacertae Objects. II. Host Galaxies” C. M. Urry, R. Scarpa, M. O’Dowd, R. Falomo, J. E. Pesce, A. Treves, ApJ, 532, 816 (2000)
- “The HST Survey of BL Lacertae Objects. I. Surface Brightness Profiles, Magnitudes, and Radii of Host Galaxies” R. Scarpa, C. M. Urry, R. Falomo, J. E. Pesce, A. Treves, ApJ, 532, 740 (2000)
- “Variability Pattern and the Spectral Evolution of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155–304” J. Kataoka, T. Takahashi, F. Makino, S. Inoue, G. Madejski, M. Tashiro, C. M. Urry, H. Kubo, ApJ, 528, 243 (2000)
- “BeppoSAX Observations of the Radio Galaxy Centaurus A” P. Grandi, C. M. Urry et al. (11 co-authors), Adv. Space Research, 25, 3, 485-488 (2000)
- “Rapid X-Ray Variability of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155–304” Y. H. Zhang et al. (9 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 527, 719 (1999)
- “Simultaneous X-Ray and TeV Observations of a Rapid Flare from Mkn 421” L. Maraschi et al. (31 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ Letters, 526, 81 (1999)
- “Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Optical Jets of PKS 0521-365, 3C 371, and PKS 2201+044” R. Scarpa, C. M. Urry, R. Falomo, A. Treves, ApJ, 526, 643 (1999)
- “Gravitational Lens Candidates in the HST Survey of BL Lac Objects” A. Treves, R. Scarpa, C. M. Urry, R. Falomo, G. Giovannini, J. Pesce, R. Webster, M. O’Dowd. Ap&SS, 269, 669 (1999)
- “The HST Imaging Survey of BL Lac Objects” R. Falomo, C. M. Urry, R. Scarpa, J. Pesce, A. Treves. Ap&SS, 269, 647 (1999)
- “Spectral Evolution of PKS 2155–304 observed with BeppoSAX during an Active Gamma-ray Phase” L. Chiappetti et al. (11 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 521, 55C (1999)
- “The Hubble Space Telescope Survey of BL Lac Objects: Gravitational Lens Candidates and Other Unusual Sources” R. Scarpa, C. M. Urry, et al. (5 co-authors), ApJ, 521, 134 (1999)
- “Ultraviolet and Multiwavelength Variability of the Blazar 3C 279: Evidence for Thermal Emission” E. Pian, C. M. Urry, et al. (14 co-authors), ApJ, 521, 112 (1999)
- “Multiwavelength Properties of Blazars” C. M. Urry, Astroparticle Phys., 11, 159-167 (1999)
- “ASCA and Contemporaneous Ground-Based Observations of the BL Lacertae Objects 1749+096 and 2200+420 (BL Lac)” R. Sambruna, G. Ghisellini, E. Hooper, R. Kollgaard, J. Pesce, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 515, 140 (1999)
- “Reprocessing and Variable Cold Absorption in the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C 390.3” P. Grandi, M. Guainazzi, F. Haardt, L. Maraschi, E. Massaro, G. Matt, L. Piro, C. M. Urry. A&A, 343, 33 (1999)
- “Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Host Galaxies of BL Lacertae Objects” C. M. Urry, R. Falomo, R. Scarpa, J. E. Pesce, A. Treves, M. Giavalisco, ApJ, 512, 88 (1999)
- “BeppoSAX observations of 3C 279” L. Maraschi, A. Celotti, G. Fossati, G. Ghisellini, G. Tagliaferri, E. Pian, A. Treves, and 15 other co-authors, including C. M. Urry, NuPhS, 69, 453-456 (1999)
- “BeppoSAX observations of 3C 273” G. Fossati et al. (22 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), NuPhS, 69, 449-452 (1999)
- “BeppoSAX observations of 1 Jy BL Lacertae objects” P. Padovani et al. (11 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), NuPhS, 69, 431-434 (1999)
- “BeppoSAX Observations of the TeV Blazar Mkn 421” G. Fossati et al. (22 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), NuPhS, 69, 423-426 (1999)
- “RXTE monitoring of PKS 2155-304 in May and November 1996” C. M. Urry, R. M. Sambruna, W. P. Brinkmann, H. Marshall, NuPhS, 69, 419-422 (1999)
- “What can BeppoSAX tell us about X-ray spectra of BL Lacs?” A. Wolter et al. (12 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), NuPhS, 69, 411-414 (1999)
- “Bright Radio Galaxies with BeppoSAX” P. Grandi, L. Maraschi, M. Guainazzi, F. Haardt, G. Matt, E. Massaro, C. M. Urry, L. Bassani, P. Giommi. ApL & C, 39, 45 (1999)
- “The Hidden X-Ray Seyfert Nucleus in 3C 273: BeppoSAX Results” F. Haardt et al. (14 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), A&A, 340, 35 (1998)
- “BeppoSAX Spectral Survey of Soft X-Ray Selected BL Lacertae Objects” A. Wolter et al. (11 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), A&A, 335, 899 (1998)
- “High-Energy Break and Reflection Features in the Seyfert Galaxy MCG+8-11-11” P. Grandi, F. Haard, G. Ghisellini, E. Grove, L. Maraschi, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 498, 220 (1998)
- “Multiwavelength Observations of a Dramatic High Energy Flare in the Blazar 3C 279” A. E. Wehrle, E. Pian, C. M. Urry, 70 co-authors, ApJ, 497, 178 (1998)
- “BeppoSAX Observations of Unprecedented Synchrotron Activity in the BL Lac Object Mkn 501” E. Pian, G. Vacanti, G. Tagliaferri, G. Ghisellini, L. Maraschi, A. Treves, C. M. Urry, F. Fiore, P. Giommi, E. Palazzi, L. Chiappetti, R. M. Sambruna, ApJ, 492, 17 (1998)
- “Monitoring Lyα Emission from the Blazar 3C 279” A. Koratkar, E. Pian, C. M. Urry, J. Pesce, ApJ, 492, 173 (1998)
- “Multiwavelength Properties of Blazars” C. M. Urry. Adv. Space Res., 21, 89 (1998)
- “ROSAT, ASCA, and OSSE Observations of the Broad Line Radio Galaxy 3C 120” P. Grandi, R. M. Sambruna, L. Maraschi, G. Matt, C. M. Urry, R. Mushotzky, ApJ, 487, 636 (1997)
- “Multiwavelength Monitoring of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155–304 in May 1994. III. Probing the Inner Jet through Multiwavelength Correlations” C. M. Urry et al. (19 co-authors), ApJ, 486, 799 (1997)
- “Multiwavelength Monitoring of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155–304 in May 1994. II. The IUE Campaign” E. Pian, C. M. Urry et al. (19 co-authors), ApJ, 486, 784 (1997)
- “Multiwavelength Monitoring of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155–304 in May 1994. I. The Ground-Based Campaign” J. Pesce, C. M. Urry et al. (34 co-authors), ApJ, 486, 770 (1997)
- “An X-Ray Absorption Feature in the BL Lacertae Object H1426+428” R. Sambruna, I. George, G. Madejski, C. M. Urry, T. Turner, K. Weaver, L. Maraschi, A. Treves, ApJ, 483, 774 (1997)
- “Multi-Wavelength Observations of 3C 273 in 1993-1995” C. von Montigny et al. (33 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 483, 161 (1997)
- “HST Observations of Host Galaxies in Three Radio-Selected BL Lacertae Objects” R. Falomo, C. M. Urry, J. Pesce, R. Scarpa, M. Giavalisco, A. Treves, ApJ, 476, 113 (1997)
- “The High-Energy Continuum Emission of the ʏ-Ray Blazar PKS 0528+134” R. Sambruna, C. M. Urry et al. (9 co-authors), ApJ, 474, 639 (1997)
- “Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei” M. Ulrich, L. Maraschi, C. M. Urry. ARAA, 35, 445 (1997)
- “The Einstein Slew Survey of BL Lacs” E. Perlman, J. Stocke, J. Schachter, M. Elvis, E. Ellingson, C. M. Urry, M. Potter, C. Impey, P. Kolchinsky, ApJS, 104, 251 (1997)
- “On the Spectral Energy Distributions of Blazars” R. Sambruna, L. Maraschi, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 463, 444 (1996)
- “Soft X-Ray Properties of a Complete Sample of Radio-Selected BL Lacertae Objects” C. M. Urry, R. Sambruna, D. Worrall, R. Kollgaard, E. Feigelson, E. Perlman, J. T. Stocke, ApJ, 463, 424 (1996)
- “3C 279 Multiwavelength Monitoring. II. Ground-Based Campaign” P. Grandi, C. M. Urry et al. (24 oco-authors), ApJ, 459, 73G (1996)
- “Unified Schemes for Radio-Loud Active Galactic Nuclei” C. M. Urry, Paolo Padovani. Publ. Astro. Society Pacific, 107, 803 (1995)
- “Spectral Variability of the X-ray Bright BL Lacertae Object PKS 2005-489” R. Sambruna, C. M. Urry, G. Ghisellini, L. Maraschi, ApJ, 449, 567 (1995)
- “Long Term Variability of 3C 279” P. Grandi, L. Maraschi, C. M. Urry, A. Wehrle, M. Aller, H. Aller, T. Balonek, J. Jason, I. McHardy, R. Hartman. Adv. Space Res., 15, 23 (1995)
- “Multiwavelength Monitoring of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155-304. IV. Multi-Wavelength Analysis” R. Edelson et al. (54 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 438, 120 (1995)
- “Multiwavelength Monitoring of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155–304. III. Ground-Based Observations in November 1991” T. Courvoisier et al. (19 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 438, 108 (1995)
- “The 1993 Multiwavelength Campaign on 3C 279. I. The Radio to Gamma-Ray Energy Distribution in the Low State” L. Maraschi et al. (30 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ Letters, 435, 91 (1994)
- “Inverse-Compton X-Rays from the Quasar 3C 345” S. Unwin, A. Wehrle, C. M. Urry, D. Gilmore, E. Barton, B. Kjerulf, J. Zensus, C. Rabaca, ApJ, 432, 103 (1994)
- “Multiwavelength Monitoring of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155–304. II. The ROSAT Observations” W. Brinkmann, L. Maraschi, A. Treves, C. M. Urry, and 6 co-authors. A&A, 288, 433 (1994)
- “Nonthermal Pair Models, Reflection and X-Ray Spectral Variability” P. Grandi, C. Done, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 428, 599 (1994)
- “X-Ray Variability from the BL Lacertae Object H0323+022” Y. Kohmura, K. Makishima, M. Tashiro, T. Ohashi, C. M. Urry. PASJ, 46, 131 (1994)
- “X-Ray Variability from the BL Lacertae Object H0323+022” Y. Kohmura, K. Makishima, M. Tashiro, T. Ohashi, C. M. Urry, PASJ, 46, 131 (1994)
- “Position Sensitive Proportional Counter Soft X-Ray Observations of Seyfert 2 Galaxies” T. Turner, C. M. Urry, R. Mushotzky, ApJ, 418, 653 (1993)
- “Multiwavelength Monitoring of Active Galactic Nuclei” C. M. Urry, Adv. Space Res., 13, 573-586 (1993)
- “Ten New BL Lacertae Objects Discovered by an Efficient X-Ray/Radio/ Optical Technique” J. Schachter, J. Stocke, E. Perlman, M. Elvis, R. Remillard, A. Granados, J. Luu, J. Huchra, R. Humphreys, C. M. Urry, J. Wallin, ApJ, 412, 541 (1993)
- “Multiwavelength Monitoring of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155–304. I. The IUE Campaign” C. M. Urry et al. (29 co-authors), ApJ, 411, 614 (1993)
- “The Galactic Halo and Local Intergalactic Medium toward PKS 2155–304” F. Bruhweiler, A. Boggess, D. J. Norman, C. Grady, C. M. Urry, Y. Kondo, ApJ, 409, 199 (1993)
- “The X-Ray Spectral Variability of the BL Lacertae Type Object PKS 2155– 04” S. Sembay, R. S. Warwick, C. M. Urry, J. Sokoloski, I. George, F. Makino, T. Ohashi, M. Tashiro, ApJ, 404, 112 (1993)
- “Correlated Hard X-Ray and Ultraviolet Variability in NGC5548” J. Clavel, K. Nandra, F. Makino, K. Pounds, G. Reichert, C. M. Urry, W. Wamsteker, M. Peracaula-Bosch, G. Stewart, C. Otani, ApJ, 393, 113 (1992)
- “Luminosity Functions, Relativistic Beaming, and Unified Theories of High-Luminosity Radio Sources” P. Padovani, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 387, 449 (1992)
- “Fanaroff-Riley I Galaxies as the Parent Population of BL Lacertae Objects. III. Radio Constraints” C. M. Urry, P. Padovani, M. Stickel, ApJ, 382, 501 (1991)
- “A Sideways Look at Quasars” C. M. Urry, Nature, 353, 18 (1991)
- “The Complete Sample of 1 Jansky BL Lacertae Objects. I. Summary Properties” M. Stickel, P. Padovani, C. M. Urry, J. Fried, H. Kühr, ApJ, 374, 431 (1991)
- “Rapid Ultraviolet Variability in the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155–304” R. Edelson, J. Saken, G. Pike, C. M. Urry, I. George, R. Warwick, H. Miller, M. Carini, J. R. Webb, ApJ Letters, 372, 9 (1991)
- “The Effect of Anisotropic Emission from Thick Accretion Disks on the Luminosity Functions ofAGN” C. M. Urry, P. Marziani, M. Calvani, ApJ, 371, 510 (1991)
- “Altered Luminosity Functions for Relativistically Beamed Objects. II. Distribution of Lorentz Factors and Complex Parent Luminosity Functions” C. M. Urry, P. Padovani, ApJ, 371, 60 (1991)
- “The GUTs of AGN” C. M. Urry, L. Maraschi, E. Phinney. Comm. Ap., 15, 111 (1991)
- “A Ubiquitous Absorption Feature in the X-Ray Spectra of BL Lac Objects” G. Madejsk, R. Mushotzky, K. Weaver, K. A. Arnaud, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 370, 198 (1991)
- “Fanaroff-Riley I Galaxies as the Parent Population of BL Lacertae Objects. II. Optical Constraints” P. Padovani, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 368, 373 (1991)
- “Accretion Disk Emission from a BL Lacertae Object” A. Wandel, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 367, 78 (1991)
- “Soft X-Ray Properties of Seyfert Galaxies. I. Spectra” J. S. Kruper, C. M. Urry, C. Canizares, ApJ, 74, 347 (1990)
- “Fanaroff-Riley I Galaxies as the Parent Population of BL Lacertae Objects. I. X-Ray Constraints” P. Padovani, C. M. Urry, ApJ, 356, 75 (1990)
- “An Evolving Relativistic Jet Model for the BL Lacertae Object Mrk 421” S. Mufson, D. Hutte, Y. Kondo, C. M. Urry, W. Wisniewski, ApJ, 354, 116-123 (1990)
- “Relativistic Beaming, Luminosity Functions, and the Number Counts of BL Lac Objects” C. M. Urry, LNP, 334, 435-446 (1989)
- “Accretion-Disk Models of Bl-Lacertae Objects” A. Wandel, C. M. Urry, LNP, 334, 388-389 (1989)
- “Eight Years of Ultraviolet Spectra of the Variable BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155– 304” C. M. Urry, Y. Kondo, K. R. H. Hackney, R. L. Hackney, ApJ, 330, 791-802 (1988)
- “X-Ray Timing of Active Galactic Nuclei” C. M. Urry, LNP, 307, 257-274 (1989)
- “Simultaneous Multifrequency Observations of the BL Lac Object Markarian 421” F. Makino et al. (33 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), ApJ, 313, 662-673 (1987)
- “X-Ray Spectroscopy of Five BL Lacertae Objects” C. M. Urry, R. Mushotzky, S. Holt, ApJ, 305, 369-398 (1986)
- “H0323+022: A New BL Lac Object with Extremely Rapid Variability” E. D. Feigelson, H. Bradt, J. McClintock, R. Remillard, C. M. Urry, and 9 co-authors, ApJ, 302, 337-351 (1986)
- “BL Lacertae Objects: Accretion, Jets, and Winds” C. M. Urry, LNP, 266, 357-375 (1986)
- “H0323+022 - Classification as a Bl-Lacertae and EXOSAT Coordinated Observations” H. Bradt et al. (21 co-authors, including C. M. Urry), Space Sci. Rev., 40, 613-617 (1985)
- “Coordinated Multi-Frequency Observations of the BL Lacertae Objects Mrk 180 and Mrk 501” S. L. Mufson, D. J. Hutter, K. R. Hackney, R. L. Hackney, C. M. Urry, R. Mushotzky, Y. Kondo, W. Wisniewski, H. Aller, M. Aller, P. Hodge, ApJ, 285, 571-579 (1984)
- “Luminosity Enhancement in Relativistic Jets and Altered Luminosity Functions for Beamed Objects” C. M. Urry, R. Shafer, ApJ, 280, 569-573 (1984)
- “X-Ray and Observations of BL Lacertae Objects” C. M. Urry, PhD Thesis (1984)
- “Ultraviolet and X-Ray Observations of the BL Lac Object PKS 0548-322” C. M. Urry, K. Hackney, R. Hackney, Y. Kondo, R. Mushotzky, ApJ, 261, 12-17 (1982)
- “PKS 2155–304: Relativistically Beamed Synchrotron Radiation from a BL Lac Object” C. M. Urry, R. Mushotzky, ApJ, 253, 38-46 (1982)
- “Radio Positions and Optical Identifications for Radio Sources Selected at 966 MHz -II” R. W. Porcas, C. M. Urry, I. Browne, A. Cohen, E. Daintree, D. Walsh. MNRAS, 191, 607-614 (1980)