- A Day in the Life of a Disabled Astronomer (July 2016)
- An Update on Bias in Proposal Reviews (April 2016)
- President’s Column: Combatting Bias in the Trenches (April 2016)
- President’s Column: AAS Ethics Task Force (March 2016)
- President’s Column: Council Actions at the 227th AAS Meeting (January 2016)
- President’s Column: What’s the Matter with Astronomy? (January 2016)
- President’s Column: Rethinking the Role of the GRE (December 2015)
- Presidential Statement on the Attacks in Paris (November 2015)
- President’s Column: Appointment of an Early-Career Advisory Board (October 2015)
- President’s Column: A Letter to AAS Members on Sexual Harassment (October 2015)
- AAS Statement on Sexual Harassment by Faculty (October 2015)
- How to End Sexual Harassment in Astronomy (October 2015)
- A Response to Community Concerns About Our Professional Climate (May 2015)
- President’s Column: Volunteer to Serve the Astronomical Community (April 2015)
- AAS & AGU Issue Joint Letter to Governor of Indiana (April 2015)
- AAS Statement on the President’s Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request (March 2015)
- Keynote presentation, The State of the Universe Congressional Briefing (with American Women in Science, hosted by the House Committee on Science, Technology and Space, February 2015)
- President’s Column: A Gem of a Meeting in the Emerald City (January 2015)
- AAS Issues Statement on “Shirtgate”/”Shirtstorm” (November 2014)
- President’s Column: Astronomers in the Academy and Industry (August 2014)