
Colloquia, Invited Review Talks, and Panels

  1. “X-Ray Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei” ESLAB meeting, Bologna (September 1989)
  2. “Blazars and Relativistic Beaming” Physics Colloquium Catholic University (April 1989)
  3. “Soft X-Ray Spectra and Variability of Active Galaxies” Space Sciences Laboratory Seminar Berkeley (March 1989)
  4. “BL Lacertae Objects and Relativistic Beaming” Physics Colloquium University of Cincinnati (February 1989)
  5. “BL Lacertae Objects and Relativistic Beaming” Astronomy Colloquium Boston University (February 1989)
  6. “Soft X-Ray Properties of Seyfert Galaxies” Seminar Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Tokyo, Japan (November 1988)
  7. “Soft X-Ray Properties of Seyfert Galaxies” Astrophysics Seminar Osaka University, Osaka, Japan (October 1988)
  8. “Soft X-Ray Properties of Seyfert Galaxies” Physics Seminar Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan (October 1988)
  9. “The Mystery of BL Lacertae Objects” High Energy Astrophysics Seminar Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan (October 1988)
  10. “Beaming and the Luminosity Functions of Blazars” Conference on BL Lac Objects: 10 Years After, Como, Italy (September 1988)
  11. “Multifrequency Observations of Blazars” Seminar Padova Observatory (September 1988)
  12. “Multifrequency Observations of Blazars” Seminar S.I.S.S.A. (Trieste) (September 1988)
  13. “What Are Blazars?” University of Colorado, CASA Colloquium (May 1988)
  14. “Are Jets Relativistic?” AGN Seminar Johns Hopkins University, (March 1988)
  15. “Scale-Invariant X-Ray Variability in Seyfert Galaxies” Journal Club Space Telescope Science Institute, AGN (October 1987)
  16. “X-Ray Timing of Active Galaxies”Conference on Active Galactic Nuclei, Georgia State University (October 1987)
  17. “Nonthermal Spectra of Active Galaxies”Workshop on Multiwavelength Spectroscopy, Taos, New Mexico (August 1987)
  18. “Soft X-Ray Spectra and Variability of Seyfert Galaxies” Astrophysics Seminar The Johns Hopkins University, (March 1987)
  19. “Soft X-Ray Spectra and Variability of Seyfert Galaxies” Astronomy Colloquium The University of Maryland, (March 1987)
  20. “Current Ideas about BL Lacertae Objects” Astrophysics Colloquium Marshall Space Flight Center, (December 1986)
  21. “Variability of Active Galaxies Observed with the Einstein Observatory”Conference on X-Ray Variability, Como, Italy (October 1986)
  22. “BL Lacertae Objects: What Kind of Active Galaxy Are They?”Colloquium of the Osservatorio Arcetri, Florence, Italy (October 1986)
  23. “Seven Years of IUE Observations of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155–304”International IUE Conference, London (July 1986)
  24. “BL Lacertae Objects: Accretion, Jets, and Winds”ESA Workshop on Accretion onto Compact Objects, Tenerife, Spain (April 1986)
  25. “X-Ray Spectra of BL Lac Objects: Evidence for Absorption by Hot Gas,” Astrophysics Colloquium Columbia University, (February 1986)
  26. “X-Ray Continuum Emission from BL Lacertae Objects” Workshop on Continuum Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, Tucson, Arizona (January 1986)