Colloquia, Invited Review Talks, and Panels
- “X-Ray Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei” ESLAB meeting, Bologna (September 1989)
- “Blazars and Relativistic Beaming” Physics Colloquium Catholic University (April 1989)
- “Soft X-Ray Spectra and Variability of Active Galaxies” Space Sciences Laboratory Seminar Berkeley (March 1989)
- “BL Lacertae Objects and Relativistic Beaming” Physics Colloquium University of Cincinnati (February 1989)
- “BL Lacertae Objects and Relativistic Beaming” Astronomy Colloquium Boston University (February 1989)
- “Soft X-Ray Properties of Seyfert Galaxies” Seminar Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Tokyo, Japan (November 1988)
- “Soft X-Ray Properties of Seyfert Galaxies” Astrophysics Seminar Osaka University, Osaka, Japan (October 1988)
- “Soft X-Ray Properties of Seyfert Galaxies” Physics Seminar Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan (October 1988)
- “The Mystery of BL Lacertae Objects” High Energy Astrophysics Seminar Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan (October 1988)
- “Beaming and the Luminosity Functions of Blazars” Conference on BL Lac Objects: 10 Years After, Como, Italy (September 1988)
- “Multifrequency Observations of Blazars” Seminar Padova Observatory (September 1988)
- “Multifrequency Observations of Blazars” Seminar S.I.S.S.A. (Trieste) (September 1988)
- “What Are Blazars?” University of Colorado, CASA Colloquium (May 1988)
- “Are Jets Relativistic?” AGN Seminar Johns Hopkins University, (March 1988)
- “Scale-Invariant X-Ray Variability in Seyfert Galaxies” Journal Club Space Telescope Science Institute, AGN (October 1987)
- “X-Ray Timing of Active Galaxies”Conference on Active Galactic Nuclei, Georgia State University (October 1987)
- “Nonthermal Spectra of Active Galaxies”Workshop on Multiwavelength Spectroscopy, Taos, New Mexico (August 1987)
- “Soft X-Ray Spectra and Variability of Seyfert Galaxies” Astrophysics Seminar The Johns Hopkins University, (March 1987)
- “Soft X-Ray Spectra and Variability of Seyfert Galaxies” Astronomy Colloquium The University of Maryland, (March 1987)
- “Current Ideas about BL Lacertae Objects” Astrophysics Colloquium Marshall Space Flight Center, (December 1986)
- “Variability of Active Galaxies Observed with the Einstein Observatory”Conference on X-Ray Variability, Como, Italy (October 1986)
- “BL Lacertae Objects: What Kind of Active Galaxy Are They?”Colloquium of the Osservatorio Arcetri, Florence, Italy (October 1986)
- “Seven Years of IUE Observations of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155–304”International IUE Conference, London (July 1986)
- “BL Lacertae Objects: Accretion, Jets, and Winds”ESA Workshop on Accretion onto Compact Objects, Tenerife, Spain (April 1986)
- “X-Ray Spectra of BL Lac Objects: Evidence for Absorption by Hot Gas,” Astrophysics Colloquium Columbia University, (February 1986)
- “X-Ray Continuum Emission from BL Lacertae Objects” Workshop on Continuum Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, Tucson, Arizona (January 1986)