
Colloquia, Invited Review Talks, and Panels

  1. “The Growth of Supermassive Black Holes and Their Co-Evolution with Galaxies” State University of New York, Stony Brook (November 2011)
  2. “Women in Science: Why So Few?” Distinguished Women Scholars Seminar, University of Maryland (October 2011)
  3. “Women in Science: Why So Few?” Distinguished Women Scholars Seminar, University of Maryland (October 2011)
  4. “Science at Yale,” San Francisco, San Jose (September 2011)
  5. “Cosmic Accretion and Galaxy Co-Evolution: Lessons from the Extended Chandra Deep Field South,” Chandra Special Meeting, American Astronomical Society (May 2011)
  6. “Improving the Workplace Environment for Women” 4th International Conference on Women in Physics, Stellenbosch, South Africa (April 2011)
  7. “Engaging Students in The Science Classroom” Yale University (March 2011)
  8. “Physics Chairs at Harvard and Yale,” (with Melissa Franklin) National Symposium for the Advancement of Women in Science, Harvard (February 2011)
  9. “Black Holes, Galaxies and the Evolution of the Universe: An Observer’s View” Museum Public Lecture Yale Peabody, New Haven, CT (February 2011)
  10. “Dark Energy and Cosmology,” Yale Club of Southern Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (January 2011)
  11. “Supermassive Black Hole Growth and Galaxy Evolution” Astronomy Colloquium, University of Arizona (January 2011)
  12. “Supermassive Black Hole Growth and Galaxy Evolution” Public Lecture, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona (January 2011)
  13. “Black Holes, Galaxy Evolution and the Universe” Yale Club of Los Angeles (January 2011)
  14. “Supermassive Black Hole Growth and Galaxy Evolution” Astronomy Colloquium, California Institute of Technology (January 2011)
  15. “JWST Science in New Worlds, New Horizons” JWST Town Hall, American Astronomical Society meeting, Seattle (January 2011)
  16. “The Interplay of Black Hole Growth and Star Formation” Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (November 2010)
  17. “Women in Science – Why So Few?” Ohio State University (November 2010)
  18. “What Science Has HST Missed” 20th Anniversary of Hubble Space Telescope, Venice, Italy (2010)
  19. “Multiwavelength Variability of Blazars” Conference Summary, Guangzhou, China (September 2010)
  20. “The Future of X-ray Astronomy: The Past is Prologue”AIPC, 1248 597 (2010)
  21. “Gamma-Ray and Multiwavelength Variability of Blazars” Opening review talk, Conference on Multiwavelength Variability of Blazars, Guangzhou, China (September 2010)
  22. “The Interplay of Black Hole Growth and Galaxy Evolution” Invited review, Yonsei University, Seoul (June 2010)
  23. “Black Hole Growth and Galaxy Evolution” Seoul National University (June 2010)
  24. “My Life in Science,” Women in Space Award, Keynote speaker, Adler Planetarium Chicago, IL (May 2010)
  25. “The Interplay of Star Formation and Black Hole Growth” Space Telescope Science Institute (May 2010)
  26. “Dark Energy: the Big Mystery of Cosmos” Yale Club of New Haven, New Haven Lawn Club (May 2010)
  27. “Women in Science: Why So Few?” WISELI/WOWSA Seminar University of Wisconsin, (May 2010)
  28. “Black Hole Growth and Galaxy Evolution” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (May 2010)“Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxy Evolution” Georgia Tech (April 2010)
  29. “Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxy Evolution” New York University Physics Colloquium, NY (April 2010)
  30. “Science with the Hubble Space Telescope” Mauro-Sheridan School Talk, New Haven, CT (April 010)
  31. “The Discovery of Dark Energy: How and Why We Had to Re-Think the Universe” and “Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxy Evolution” Donald B. Hamister Distinguished Lectures in Physics, Kenyon College (March 2010)
  32. “Black Holes, Galaxies and the Evolution of the Universe” Northern Iowa University, Begeman Lecture (March 2010)
  33. “Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxy Evolution,” Joint Astrophysics Colloquium, Max Planck Extraterrestriche-Max Planck Astronomy-European Southern Observatory, Munich, Germany (February 2010)
  34. “Women in Science – Why So Few?” American Association of University Women, Guilford, CT (January 2010)
  35. “High Energy Astrophysics: Black Holes from Space,” COSPAR Symposium on Space Science, UNESCO, Paris (January 2010)