
Colloquia, Invited Review Talks, and Panels

  1. “X-Ray Spectra of BL Lac Objects: Evidence for Absorption by Hot Gas” Astrophysics Colloquium Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (December 1985)
  2. “X-Ray and γ-Ray Observations of Astrophysical Jets,”Conference on Astrophysical Jets, Taos, New Mexico (August 1985)
  3. “X-Ray and Ultraviolet Observations of Jets in Active Galaxies” Astrophysics Colloquium Los Alamos National Laboratory, (March 1985)
  4. “Luminosity Functions of BL Lacertae Objects” Astrophysics Seminar Harvard University, (October, 1984)
  5. “The Effect of Relativistic Beaming on Luminosity Functions” Astrophysics Seminar Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (October 1984)
  6. “Relativistic Jets Inferred from the Spectra of BL Lacertae Objects” Astrophysics Colloquium Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (September 1983)
  7. “BL Lac Objects as Beamed Active Galactic Nuclei” The Johns Hopkins University, Space Sciences Seminar (October 1982)
  8. “Relativistic Beaming in Active Galactic Nuclei” Istituto di Fisica Cosmica, Milan, Italy (September 1982)
  9. “BL Lac Spectra from HEAO1” Director’s Science Seminar NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (July 1982)
  10. “The Synchrotron Self-Compton Model in Active Galactic Nuclei” Space Sciences Seminar The Johns Hopkins University, (October 1981)
  11. “Relativistic Jet Models for BL Lac Objects” Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics Journal Club NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (June 1981)
  12. “X-Ray Observations of BL Lacertae Objects” Director’s Science Seminar NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (May 1981)
  13. “Relativistic Jets Inferred from the Spectra of BL Lac Objects,” Colloquium University of Maryland, (March 1981)