“Astrophysics in the Age of Discovery & Women in Science Today” Association of Yale Alumni, Seattle (June 2005)
“The Accelerating Universe: Astrophysics in a New Age of Discovery” Yale College Reunion Lecture (June 2005)
“The GOODS on Hidden Black Holes in the Young Universe” National Radio Astronomy Observatory Colloquium (April 2005)
“Astrophysics in the Age of Discovery” Yale Days in Los Angeles (April 2005)
“The GOODS on Hidden Black Holes in the Young Universe” Carnegie Observatory, Pasadena (March 2005)
“The Age of Discovery” Keynote Speech, NSF Postdoctoral Fellows Symposium (January 2005)
“In Search of Supermassive Black Holes: GOODS Discovery of a Significant Population of Obscured AGN,” “Active Galactic Nuclei and the Unification Hypothesis,” “Black Holes, Jets, and Einstein’s Dream,” “Frontiers of Astronomy and Astrophysics,” “Women in Science: Speeding up the Long Slow Path to Change,” Distinguished Visitor Lectures Haverford College, Phillips (October 2004)
“In Search of Supermassive Black Holes”Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (September 2004)
“Deep X-ray Surveys and AGN Populations”2004 HEAD Meeting (New Orleans, September 2004)
“In Search of Supermassive Black Holes”Brown University (April 2004)
“In Search of Supermassive Black Holes”Yale University (April 2004)
“The Demographics of Supermassive Black Holes”University of Chicago (March 2004)
“The Demographics of Supermassive Black Holes”University of Illinois (March 2004)
“The Demographics of Supermassive Black Holes”University of Texas (March 2004)
“Women in Science: Speeding up the Long, Slow Path to Change” Lecture Series on Issues for Ethnic Minorities and Women in Science and Engineering University of Washington, (February 2004)
“Black Holes, Jets and Einstein”International Society for Optical Engineering, Women in Optics, San Diego (August 2003)
“Unification of Active Galactic Nuclei: An Update” Invited review, SDSS AGN Meeting Princeton University (July 2003)
“Grand Unification: The Co-Evolution of Galaxies and Black Holes” Brera Observatory, Milan (July 2003)
“Black Holes, Jets, and Einstein’s Dream” California Academy of Science (June 2003)
“Grand Unification of Active Galaxies” Invited Talk, 202nd American Astronomical Society Meeting, Nashville (May 2003)
“Grand Unification: The Co-Evolution of Galaxies and Black Holes” Massachusetts Institute of Technology (May 2003)
“New Views of the Universe” Association of Yale Alumni of Milwaukee (April 2003)
“The Universe and Dark Energy” Yale Today Tucson (April 2003)
“The Black Hole – Galaxy Connection” University of Maryland (March 2003)
“Exploring the Universe” Association of Yale Alumni of Cape Cod (January 2003)