“Corporations take to the skies” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, June 2, 2020)
“100 op-eds that tell the story of the 2010s” (cnn.com, December 19, 2019)
“How We Probe and Pollute the Cosmos” C. M. Urry, Nature, 575, 436 (2019)
“All-female spacewalk is a ludicrous casualty of all-male assumptions” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, March 27, 2019)
“Elon Musk’s adventure in space” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, March 4, 2019)
“The enduring mystery of the Eclipse of the Century” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, August 22, 2017)
“Trump’s proposed STEM budget cuts a grave mistake” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, June 7, 2017)
“What Astronomy can do about sexual harassment” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, January 28, 2016)
“Sexual Harassment: How to make science safer for women” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, November 4, 2015)
“Speaking with Meg Urry on Supermassive Black Holes” The Conversation (theconversation.com/speaking-with-meg-urry-on-supermassive-black-holes-48375), with Tanya Hill (October 2015)
“Will Mars summers bring forth life?” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, September 28, 2015)
Interview with Kelly Higgins-Devine Show, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (July 2015)
“What New Horizons Reveals About Pluto” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, July 15, 2015)
“The Women Who Got Us Close to Pluto” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, July 16, 2015)
“When Can We Talk to Aliens?” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, April 14, 2015)
“Don’t Forget Space is Dangerous” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, January 5, 2015)
“Launching Space Ships is Really Hard” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, October 31, 2014)
“Will the God Particle Destroy the Universe?” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, September 12, 2014)
“The Risk Women Face in Science” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, August 10, 2014)
“Look, up in the sky! It’s space debris!” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, July 17, 2014)
“What’s Behind the Big Bang Controversy?” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, June 6, 2014)
“How the Big Bang Discovery Came About” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, March 31, 2014)
“Cosmic Wow, a Rare Exploding Star!” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, January 24, 2014)
“Seeking Dark Matter, a Mile Underground” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, October 30, 2013)
“Shutdown a Huge Waste and Cost to Science” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, October 4, 2013)
“If ‘E.T.’ finds Voyager 1, Will it Phone Earth?” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, September 23, 2013)
“Blow, Blow, Blow Your Stars Down” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, July 25, 2013)
“Gold Comes from Neutron Stars” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, July 19, 2013)
“Budget Cuts Hold U.S. Scientists Back” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, June 5, 2013)
“Kepler or Not, We’ll Find Life in Space” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, May 20, 2013)
“Why Gamma Ray Burst Shocked Scientists” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, May 6, 2013)
“Three More Homes for Life in the Universe?” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, April 24, 2013)
“A Meteor and Asteroid: 1 in 100 Million Odds” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, February 16, 2013)
“Skydiving is a Stunt, Physics is Thrilling” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, October 22, 2012)
“Why Bias Holds Women Back” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, October 1, 2012)
“Curiosity Opening Martian Frontier?” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, August 5, 2012)
“Thank you, Sally Ride” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, July 24, 2012)
“Solving the Mystery of Black Holes” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, June 13, 2012)
“A Transit of Venus, an Age of Wondrous Science” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, June 6, 2012)
“Private Space Travel: A New Era Begins?” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, May 18, 2012)
“The Sun, the Moon and the Titanic” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, March 16, 2012)
“Two New Earths and the Search for Life” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, December 23, 2011)
“Keep Hubble Successor on Track” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, December 5, 2011)
“Earth’s Close Encounter with an Asteroid” CNN Opinion (cnn.com, November 8, 2011)