Abstracts 1993

Abstracts and Contributed Papers

  1. “Unified Schemes for Active Galactic Nuclei” C. M. Urry, Sub-arcsecond Radio Astronomy, Proceedings of the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratorie, held in Manchester, 333 (1993)
  2. “The Baltimore Charter for Women in Astronomy” C. M. Urry, CSWP Gazette, Vol. 13, p. 14 (1993)
  3. “Multiwavelength Monitoring of Active Galactic Nuclei”C. M. Urry, Adv. Space Res., 13, 573 (1993)
  4. “Finding the Rarest Objects in the Universe: A New, Effcient Method for Discovering BL Lacertae Objects”J. Stocke, E. Perlman, A. Granados, J. Schachter, M. Elvis, C. M. Urry, C. Impey, and P. Smith, in Evolution of Galaxies and their Environments, ed. D. Hollenbach et al., NASA Conf. Proc. No. 3190, p. 311 (1993)
  5. “Multifrequency Campaign for the Optically Violent Variable Quasar 3C 279: X-Ray Observations”G. Madejski, R. Hartman, G. Reichert, A. Wehrle, C. M. Urry, P. Grandi, L. Maraschi, H. Fink and H. Thomas, BAAS Meeting 25, 183, #107, 11 (1993)
  6. “Multifrequency Observation of the Optically Violent Variable Quasar 3C 279: Ground-based Campaign” P. Grandi, C. M. Urry and 26 other co-authors, BAAS Meeting 25, 183, #107, 10 (1993)
  7. “VLBI Images of 3C 279 during the Multiwavelength Campaign in 1992/1993” A. Wehrle, S. Unwin, A. Zook, G. Madejski, L. Maraschi, and C. M. Urry, BAAS Meeting 25, 183, #107, 09 (1993)
  8. “X-Rays and Relativistic Beaming in Radio-Selected BL Lacertae Objects”R. Kollgaard, E. Feigelson, D. Gabuzda, R. Sambruna, and C. M. Urry, BAAS Meeting 25, 183, #107, 04 (1993)
  9. “ROSAT PSPC Observations of Radio-Selected BL Lac Objects” R. Sambruna, C. M. Urry, J. Stocke, E. Perlman, R. Kollgaard, E. Feigelson, D. Worrall, P. Padovani, L. Maraschi, and A. Treves, BAAS Meeting 25, 183, #107, 03 (1993)
  10. “The Broad Band Energy Distribution of 3C 279 in Low State: Results from the Multifrequency Campaign of January 1993” L. Maraschi, C. M. Urry, P. Grandi, A. Koratkar, G. Madejski, R. Hartman, A. Wehrle, C. Bailyn, H. Fink, H.. Thomas, A. Treves, E. Pian, and S. Wagner, BAAS Meeting 25, 183, #56, 07 (1993)
  11. “Introduction to the Women in Astronomy Meeting” C. M. Urry, in Women in Astronomy, ed. C. M. Urry, L. Danly, L. Sherbert, and S. Gonzaga (STScI), p. 5 (1993)
  12. “Preface” C. M. Urry, in Women in Astronomy, ed. C. M. Urry, L. Danly, L. Sherbert, and S. Gonzaga (STScI), p. i (1993)
  13. “The Baltimore Charter for Women in Astronomy” C. M. Urry, L. Danly, E. J. Schreier, and S. Tobias, BAAS Meeting 25, 182, #65, 01 (1993)
  14. “A Movie of PKS 2155–304 in Living Ultraviolet Color”C. M. Urry, W. Welsh, D. Berry, Z. Levay, W. Feimer, A. Koratkar, L. Maraschi, G. Madejski, and R. Edelson, BAAS Meeting 25, 182, #4, 17 (1993)
  15. “Inverse-Compton X-Rays from the Quasar 3C 345” S. Unwin, A. Wehrle, C. M. Urry, E. Barton, B.C. Kjerulf, J. Zensus, and C. Rabaca, BAAS Meeting 25, 182, #4, 14 (1993)
  16. “PSPC Observations of the 1 Jy BL Lacs”R. M. Sambruna, C. M. Urry, J. Stocke, E. Perlman, R. Kollgaard, E. Feigelson, D. Worrall, P. Padovani, L. Maraschi, and A. Treves, in The Soft X-Ray Cosmos, ed. E. M. Schlegel and R. Petre, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 313, p. 415 (1993)
  17. “X-Rays and Relativistic Beaming in Radio-selected BL Lacertae Objects” R. Kollgaard, E. Feigelson, D. Gabuzda, R. Sambruna, and C. M. Urry, in The Soft X-Ray Cosmos, ed. E. Schlegel and R. Petre, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 313, p. 420 (1993)
  18. “The Rosat PSPC Spectrum of PKS 2155–304” D. Gilmore and C. M. Urry in The Soft X-Ray Cosmos, ed. E. Schlegel and R. Petre, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 313, p. 429 (1993)